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Tren500 Noob questions....Sorry.

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  • Tren500 Noob questions....Sorry.

    Ok...I have a few questions. Totally a noob here. Does anyone know what to stack with Tren500? Im takin the oral tablets so Im guessing a liver blocker. But should I take test too? Im trying to stay away from the pins

  • #2
    so tren500 is a legal prohormone, or one of the recently banned prosteroids? sorry, i dont know this product. how long do you plan to use this for?

    i assume you've never done a steroid cycle? what are your stats, as in age, weight, height, time training?
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    • #3
      Sam i think hes talking about oral tren from Biomex thats in 500mcg? Is that right?
      There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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      • #4
        B-I-G why would you stay away from th pins? You need a good test base bro for your first cycle as I imagine this is and if you are taking oral tren your going to need a lot of it, IMO I wouldnt even bother have a look at GP tren and test mix, Excellent product
        There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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        • #5
          BIG if ur talking about oral Tren YES,YES u do need Test as a Base (IMO on every cycle ) - plus oral tren is suggested only to be run 3-4 wks.
          "GYM + JUICE"


          • #6
            I hope you are just new to the site and not new to gear because if you are I don't sugget Tren but you have to take Test with Tren.


            • #7
              I think if he is scared of needles he should take a bath in test gel everynight and morning lol


              • #8
                Im 25.. 5'11 210. Ive been working out for ab 3-4 months now. But ive been on and off for ab 2 years so. I do try and follow a strict protein diet and Im just not cutting like i want. Ive did clen cycles but nothing too big. Im trying to go oral bc i have some kinda weird fear of needles...Im one of those that gets sick or faints at the thought of something going through me haha! Im mainly wanting to Cut...Im a pretty stocky build already I just want to get rid of the fat and a little size wouldnt hurt but Im not wanting to blow up or anything if you get me?


                • #9

                  Now dont take this the wrong way, But ill say it before someone else does. You are not ready to even consider steroids, You need to educate yourself about the steroid compounds what each one does, Cycles, Stacks, sides, PCT, SERMS etc and then once you have your diet in check and training and have plateaued at your natural peak then and I mean THEN should you consider AAS.

                  Sometimes the draw to AAS is that there some sort of magic pill or injection. You will not be happy with the results from just orals that i will promise you,

                  Take the time to train solid for 6 months push yourself with your diet so you are in a regime, Diet is the way forward here and then AAS if you feel you have maxed out. Dont rush in to it bro.

                  However, If you dont take my advice I will point you in the right direction but sometimes you need to listen to experience.

                  There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Optimal Cruz View Post

                    Sometimes the draw to AAS is that there some sort of magic pill or injection. You will not be happy with the results from just orals that i will promise you,
                    Solid advice Cruz. ^^This is the truth. BIG u said ur cutting - do that with diet + cardio.
                    "GYM + JUICE"


                    • #11
                      Hey B I G how about you tell us about your diet. How many calories , carbs ,proteins and an important one for you is counting sodium


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ODB View Post
                        Solid advice Cruz. ^^This is the truth. BIG u said ur cutting - do that with diet + cardio.
                        Its the truth I guess, I did it and did nothing but hurt my wallet and make me look like shit,
                        There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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                        • #13
                          I work in construction and hit the gym every other day. My diet consist of a 90 cal/18 protein pack of tuna w like 10-15 wheat thins. A can of chunky soup which is ab 180-250 cals/9g protein an apple some kind of fruit cup90-110 cals. A granola bar- 90 cals. And either steak or chicken breast for dinner. I've cut ab 20 10-15 lbs already but it doesn't feel like I'm cutting fast enough. I sweat like crazy bc I work in TX in 100+ degree weather all day too. I thought there could've been a roid that would give me an edge and cut down ab another 15 or so. And why watch the sodium? I'm pretty sure most the stuff I eat has a medium range in sodium but I don't pay very close attention so


                          • #14
                            I don't think your eating enough ,to keep the metibolic fire going you have to feed it . Sodium (salt) is my own major down fall, it can cause you to retain water ,it is an elctrolyt.
                            oh yea I understand about the Texas heat, I am native Texan myself and I was in commercial cunstruction
                            Senior Member
                            Last edited by Epe; 09-20-2012, 06:00 PM.


                            • #15
                              Sodium intake is exceptionally important youll retain water like hell, Why not try an ECA stack or clen, T3 etc theres other options for cutting not just "gear" have a read on some of the ECA stacks I think that would possibly help
                              There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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