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rejecting test?

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  • rejecting test?

    I have a huge problem. I have tried running test only before as it was my first cycle. My body did ok the first pin the next was kinda bad and the 3rd was terrible. It became red, swollen and hot. This has happened 2 times. It's frustrating that test is the base of any cycle yet i can't run it. Why is it getting infected? Its not anything to do with being unsanitary. Every thing is clean. Why wont my body just realize its gonna happen one way or the other? Haha. Anyway if anyone can explain this it would help me out. I have friends that are big boys and have never heard of it. Why is this happening?!?!?! Thanks.

  • #2
    Is the test from a pharmacy or ug?Maybe you are allergic to the alcohol/oils/preservatives used.Or maybe it's just not sterile,or you are not disinfecting your injection area,or contaminating the needle.


    • #3
      Originally posted by CellTech View Post
      Is the test from a pharmacy or ug?Maybe you are allergic to the alcohol/oils/preservatives used.Or maybe it's just not sterile,or you are not disinfecting your injection area,or contaminating the needle.
      Good point right there. What brand of gear and what size needles are you using?


      • #4
        not uncommon to be allergic to the oils used by some UG's - Grapeseed, Cottonseed, etc

        rub some on ur skin between ur bicep+forearm see if it get irritated (u may want to scratch the skin 1st).
        "GYM + JUICE"


        • #5
          Thanks. ill try that. sorry so long to respond. phone was out of commission. Whatsoever weird is i can run tren just fine. not test. Everything is very clean. I have tried pharmacy and ug. both the same result.


          • #6
            also the brand is geneza. Dont know if i can say that or not. Also the needles are inch and a half

