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Final T3 review for people out there wondering about it too

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  • Final T3 review for people out there wondering about it too

    Let me start out by saying hard work > t3
    That being said I would not do it again. OTC fat burner + a cycle would work better for anyone considering using it. Although maybe someone more elite would have more to gain from it. all IMO

  • #2
    Yeah Ares I lost way to much muscle on T3, I'll never use it again!!!!!!!
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    • #3
      We're you using gear at the time? I read it's fine if your running gear..


      • #4
        How much t3 did you take im taking it now with clen and sust after taking sust and tren for 8 weeks and im looking shreded


        • #5
          Originally posted by mortirius123 View Post
          how much t3 did you take im taking it now with clen and sust after taking sust and tren for 8 weeks and im looking shreded
          i just started clen... What dose are you at im only on 20 mcg's for now... Only 2 days on so far


          • #6
            I took up to 100mcgs. Just not worth the hassle of getting your thyroid going again. At least with roids you can get home tests and you can tell by your balls. cant tell if your thyroid is bouncing back. hypothyroidism could be real shitty.


            • #7
              Did you taper back down when using the T3?


              • #8
                yes i did. i am not sure if that even really matters or the carb load up ive been told to do. its all about the hormone tsh. and that is controlled by the pituitary gland. my endo told me tsh is not affected by diet really. idk what to believe haha


                • #9
                  I'd believe the endo it's his medicine area specialization.
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                  Ain't no discharge on the ground
                  Ain't no use in lookin' back
                  'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                  Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                  'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                  • #10
                    wha,what???? all yall hatin' on my very favorite fat loss drug...if you said "sam, outside of test, you can only use 1 compound for dieting. what would that compound be?". well thankfully we're in a world that i can use more than just test + 1 compound, BUT if that were the case, there is a good chance, i would choose T3. yes, i said T3 lol. you just have to know how to use it. here is a thread i made some time back called "my take on t3". this is how i use it and how i get to low single digit body fat, all while growing.


                    you gotta use it with finesse. as far as muscle loss, i grew into my first show this year, all while using t3 as outlined in that thread. now that i'm done dieting and filled back out, i'm bigger than i've ever been
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by sam1976; 06-07-2012, 01:24 AM.
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ares View Post
                      I took up to 100mcgs. Just not worth the hassle of getting your thyroid going again. At least with roids you can get home tests and you can tell by your balls. cant tell if your thyroid is bouncing back. hypothyroidism could be real shitty.
                      i just ran t3 for 20 wks, and several wks later, i had labs reporting that i'm back to normal. as far as i'm concerned, its a wide spread internet myth that causes any long term shut down on thyroid production.
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
                        i just ran t3 for 20 wks, and several wks later, i had labs reporting that i'm back to normal. as far as i'm concerned, its a wide spread internet myth that causes any long term shut down on thyroid production.
                        I didnt think that, I had the labs done 2 day after stopping and about 3 weeks later to see what they are like. They were just at hypo levels a couple days off so we will see what they are like a couple weeks later. I was just saying that people should beware and learn more about tsh and the t# hormones. and not believe everything people say. i trust your opinion because your experienced but i got some info from other forums i dont belong to thus i dont know the person and what they know.
                        Senior Member
                        Last edited by Ares; 06-07-2012, 01:18 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ares View Post
                          I didnt think that, I had the labs done 2 day after stopping and about 3 weeks later to see what they are like. They were just at hypo levels a couple days off so we will see what they are like a couple weeks later. I was just saying that people should beware and learn more about tsh and the t# hormones. and not believe everything people say. i trust your opinion because your experienced but i got some info from other forums i dont belong to thus i dont know the person and what they know.
                          hey bro, i had meant to respond sooner. i just wanted you to know that i wasnt accusing you of just blindly believing the net and i hope you took no offence. yea, i guess we're all different/respond different. i hope you recover soon. do keep us posted!! how long did you tapper off?
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                          • #14
                            Okay I will be more specific for everyone. I have used t3 twice. First time went good. Tappered off over the course of a couple weeks. Second time I didnt not tapper as long to see if I bounced back faster. The answer is no. Sides of doing that for me were depressed feeling, a case of the limp dick/crashed libido, lethargic, and of course weight gain! So if I ever use it again and to everyone reading this tapper off, seriously. I am back to normal now after 2 shitty weeks. and sam, no worries i just want people to be educated. i had read your thread among others. so now i know and everyone else does too.


                            • #15
                              awww, got ya, i can be slow on the uptake sometimes lol. i know the feeling you're taking about. there have been rare days that i'd forget to take my t3 in the morning while on it. i'd feel lethargic and lackluster. then, i could certainly feel a difference an hr or so after i got it in my system. glad to hear that you're back to normal now. thats not a good feeling to have
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