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Really Sore Nips!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Really Sore Nips!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey bros whats up? been taking QDL cut stack for about 28 days now. 200 mg EOD and 40 mg of winny orals. Just starting to get really sore in the nipple area. Never got sore like this just using test E and EQ. Checked the area, no lumps or anything just tender. Always had a little fat in the lower pec always worked on flat bench and incline. lol. Should I cut back on the dosage? or up the adex or nolva?Thx.

  • #2
    when that happened to me i upped my adex to 1mg everyday until it subsided and then slowly backed the dose down to .5 eod


    • #3
      thx bro. I'll try that.


      • #4
        no problem man.. its terrible isnt it? even wearing a t-shirt irritates it.


        • #5
          My joints are hurting just by the sound of adex 1mg a day lol
          Ain't no use in lookin' down
          Ain't no discharge on the ground
          Ain't no use in lookin' back
          'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
          Ain't no use in feelin' blue
          'Cause Jody's got your lady too


          • #6
            My nips get sore and sensitive every cycle haha. Goes away when I stop shooting though


            • #7
              Might be getting sore due to the tren in the cut stack causing progesterone effects. I know it's only about 65-70 mg of tren in each pin but some people might be more prone to the sides than others...u should really be running a caber with it


              • #8

                Óõòû, ïîñìîòðèòå, ïîëåâíàÿ øòóêà.
                No. ~President Jimmy Carter's daughter Amy, when asked if she had any message for the children of America Life


                • #9
                  thx guys for all the input. Xela, what does the caber do? I've always taken adex or nolva. Thx.


                  • #10
                    well to keep it as simple as possible (not that youre an idiot or anything), trean and deca are 19-nor steroids which means it takes a different pathway to the receptors other than the traditional way test does. well this different pathway causes the production of progesterone from the aromatization of these steroids. which is just estrogen coming from a different place than it does with test which is what adex is used for. basically, the caber works as an AI (even though its not typically considered an AI) on THAT same pathway. also, theres a few threads on here that discount the use of nolva for PCT after a 19-nor cycle. from what i understand, it wont effect your PCT too too bad, its just that 19.nors are tough to rebound from and clomid is a stronger natty test booster than nolva is on a mg/mg basis.

                    hope this helps bud. anyone can correct me if im wrong, but thats my understanding of it and i've done my research.


                    • #11
                      Ive gotten down with Andromix and Cut Stack as much as anybody on here. It is highly unusual with the dosage of Drostanolone Propionate included in the Cut Stack that you would be getting feminizing issues... What else are you taking man? Are you taking any over the counter performance supplements? Are you buying anything from your local vitamin stores? I just don't understand with Winny and Masteron how you are experiencing Gyno like symptoms... You should look like a dehydrated chicken...
                      Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


                      • #12
                        yeah Krazy that's what I was thinking about there shouldn't be any side effects. I'am taking some jakd3d a preworkout drink and some b-12 chewables. lol


                        • #13
                          hey Xela, thx. Yeah I know that with a progesterone you should take adex. Now is caber good to use with all AAS or just the tren and deca?


                          • #14
                            Next step buy a bra. - seriously adex works for me .5 for a couple days and mine goes away. I feel fortunate not to be gyno prone. Sore nips are a warning to me to start up the adex. Good luck


                            • #15
                              thx old dude. I figured as much. just never got sore from test e and eq? was wondering what was the difference and why I was experiencing soreness.

