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i have some Axio labs

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  • i have some Axio labs

    any advice you guys can give is good..ive had these 2 bottles for awhile and about to start them

  • #2
    has anyone used or seen anything from axio labs? im new in here


    • #3
      what is it? axio is a brand, not a drug. do you have an AI and PCT lined up?
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      • #4
        I used Axio several years back before they went down.... The tren was strong, and the test seemed to be pretty good. If you got it recently I couldn't really comment on the quality....


        • #5
          hold on ill grab them and look..and yes i got them afew years ago and never used them but there still good. the exp date is 2013


          • #6
            deca 300 sust 325 and no i have not decided what to do.its been afew years sence i last did any


            • #7
              it worked real good the first time i started....but im not big as you guys i guess i was not born to get naturaly big so i went another direction


              • #8
                wait... you have one of each and you wanna start? you do realize you don't even have a fourth of what you need for a cycle?
                Ain't no use in lookin' down
                Ain't no discharge on the ground
                Ain't no use in lookin' back
                'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                • #9
                  being that you've been off for a while imo run it 1cc of each a week and you should make good gains. I have good gains with the same combo different brand but same product. i'm only at 270ml sus/250ml deca and have gained 6lbs in just under 2 weeks. I have no sides so far as they are dose related. low dose low sides.


                  • #10
                    I had some axio sust325 2 years ago and the inj. site felt like getting kicked by a horse the day after. I think they use a ton a alcohol. I recommend you get some new stuff if you get the same batch i had.

