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  • #16
    Originally posted by MrBig View Post
    I've been usin gear longer than some of you been alive. Fuckin hurts pushin the pin in no matter were I pin. I use glutes and quads do'im both with a 23g x 1-1/2" pin, I will never get use to it......don't want to either. When it comes to pins, I'm the biggest pussy and I'm proud. lol
    Damn it you're supposed to tell me it doesn't hurt!


    • #17
      some guys it doesn't bother them, I just hate needles always have always will.
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      • #18
        Mr.Big...just said you pin with a 23ga., do you draw with the same needle you pin with..?? never used a 23ga. to pin but know someone that has used both a 25 and a 23 and he said it was a huge difference....IDK though, all I use is a 20ga. to draw with and then switch out to a 25ga. to pin..I would never use the same needle that has penetrated the stopper, blunts the needle too much for my taste..just wondering, cause I seriously don't even really feel the virgin 25ga. penitrate through the skin...


        • #19
          Ya I always use a fresh one to draw then a fresh one to pin. Just gettin thro the skin is the hard part for me. How I do it is I put my pointer finger an middle finger on my hip bone then strech my thumb as far back as my hand will strech, then pin where my thumb is. U don't really want it in ur butt cheek but a lil higher an to the outside. I used to close my eyes an slam it in as fast as I could, but I got over the fear. O an let the muscle ur injecting go limp. Don't flex it.


          • #20
            High quality gear is usually a lot thinner so you can use smaller pins too. Hard core labs is the thinnest iv ever used.


            • #21
              Man, this convo takes me back! I remember my first time pinning and my hand was shaking so bad that I had to stop like 5 times before I actually hit it. I was shaking like a lil sissy!! But then afterwards, I was like...... wth???? it was EASY!!!!! Follow all the tips: 1) sterilize everything with alcohol 2) warm your oils in warm water 3)switch out your drawing needle for your pinning needle (every pass dulls the needle) 4) aspirate!!!!! 5) push your oil in slowly- 30 sec per ml 6) Keep the needle in for another 30 secs afterwards so that ur oil clears the injection pathway. 7) LIFT AND GROW BIG!!!!

              I used to be an orals only guy until this cycle!!! I'll never do another cycle without a test base. I use 25-1 also and they have been good to go. Be prepared for some soreness in that virgin muscle. My left quad was stupid sore on days 2-5 for some reason but it gets easier everytime. Rotate your injection sites. I use my quads and glutes. Hitting my left glute feels super retarded and awkward while Im doing it!!! Im using Test Cyp and will be running some Mast later in the the cycle.

              Happy Pinning brotha!
              "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


              • #22
                Done! I used the same needle to draw that I did to inject and didn't feel ANYTHING. Much easier than I thought it would be. I'll be alternating between my left and right glute, I don't feel safe doing anywhere else, yet.


                • #23
                  Also, would you guys do Arimidex during this cycle? I was told just to be safe I should do .25mg on injection days, just to be safe but not over do it.


                  • #24
                    I start my adex the day I start to lower my dose to come off, I don't stop till 4 weeks after my last pin. Iv never really had any bad sides other then mood swings, if ur nips get itchy or any lumps u may wana start to run nolv or clo throu ur whole cycle. Adex was a fuckin miracle drug for me. Made going back to natural 1000% easier. Iv also read long use of adex can lower bone density. So I only run for 6-8 weeks.
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by Joelieo; 04-03-2012, 08:23 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by one-more View Post
                      Mr.Big...just said you pin with a 23ga., do you draw with the same needle you pin with..?? never used a 23ga. to pin but know someone that has used both a 25 and a 23 and he said it was a huge difference....IDK though, all I use is a 20ga. to draw with and then switch out to a 25ga. to pin..I would never use the same needle that has penetrated the stopper, blunts the needle too much for my taste..just wondering, cause I seriously don't even really feel the virgin 25ga. penitrate through the skin...
                      I use a new pin for injection, I go through two pins each time. One to draw and another to inject. It's just the way I am, hurts every time the pin goes in, thats why I hate needles. Doctors don't do any better.
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                      • #26
                        MrBig, you must just have a tough hide lol...I use lots of baby oil and lotion, so I'm soft and supple...LMAO...JK bro, not too much, that shits for


                        • #27
                          hey man I use a 22 ga to draw with. I use this pin the entire cycle to draw with. I just unscrew it, clean it up afterwards and put the cap back on it. I inject with 25 x 1 in. in the glutes and quads. and I use a 25 x 5/8 in the delt. Go to spot It will tell you everything. Now, if you have alot of fat on your ass, I would recommend an 1 1/2 pin in the glute.


                          • #28
                            Did my first self-pin today. Almost bitched out. I put it all away then decided to try one more time and just went for it. Did good!


                            • #29
                              you will soon see sooooo much of it is all in your head...every time you do just becomes easier and easier...when everything is preped right don't hesitate..just get the fucker in, and your almost keep up the good work and don't forget to asperate...hard to remember sometimes if your stressed and


                              • #30
                                This injection was smooth. Even left handed I aspirated and got it all done. It's getting far easier and I'm only 3 shots in!

