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soar/weak joints (after tren x)

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  • soar/weak joints (after tren x)

    Okay, so 2 years ago I took two cycles of tren extreme to get bigger for college football (20 yrs old) (big regret today but you live and you learn). Got big strength gains felt great...a few months later I noticed i was really tight in my groins and hips. I also noticed that my joints were always pretty sore. During my first game a year later I dislocated my after a long time rehabbing the injury I still dont feel my joints are in that great of shape. My question is has anyone else experienced this? Also is there any supplement I can take to help repair my joints? thank u in advance.

    and i realized i spelled sore wrong btw lol
    Junior Member
    Last edited by bq1789; 03-22-2012, 03:14 AM.

  • #2
    hey bro, i'm gonna move your thread to the "general" section. i think it'll fit there just fine and will probably get more attention...

    oh lets talk joints. first off, fish oil. 3-9 grams a day. it'll help to lube your joints as well as reduce inflammation. next, i would suggest a good glucosamine and chondroitin. these things can work well. thing is, it can take a little time to get their effect. also the raw materials for this supp are not cheap. if you find a deal thats "too good to be true", it probably is. species makes a glucosamine product believe its called arthrolize. i've heard good things about the dosing and results.
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    • #3
      ^Sam's advice is always good advice.

      Their is also some information reference GH/IGF + peptides helping w joint repair - do alot of reading + research to find a protocol for U.

      brief quote below;
      "Also of note, and of special interest to both athletes and bodybuilders who are rehabbing an injury is that IGF is vital to the proper production of connective tissue, and exogenous IGF administration may improve collagen formation and aid in the repair of cartilage. (19)(18).IGF is also vital to proper bone density and bone density regulation (20).

      IGF administration may be highly useful for rehabilitation of any kind of joint injury experienced by athletes and bodybuilders, and would greatly decrease recovery time as well as increase the strength of the recovered area."
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        yea i take 2 grams morning 2 nite. just to fend off the possibilities of aches.. plus its heart healthy and in other ways.. if u want a quicker fix that isnt permanent a deca cycle should sooth ur ills


        • #5
          thanks alot for the replies guys, much appreciated! doin some research now from the products you gave me. More than likely gonna purchase Arthrolyze and see how that works. I am thinking about taking that for two months in the summer... June/July but I also want to feel the effects throughout the season...So would I be able buy another bottle for the season or is that not a good idea?
          Junior Member
          Last edited by bq1789; 03-22-2012, 11:33 PM.

