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First Injection Cycle Test E Need Help

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  • First Injection Cycle Test E Need Help

    Test E 12 weeks 500 mg every week injections 2xs a week
    AI .5 everyday to help with gyno and bloat
    this is what i'm confused on:
    I want to order the following b/c i'm prone to gyno from puberty and want to have it on deck incase cycle goes wrong:
    Arimadex one bag 20 tabs 1 mg
    clomid 1 bag
    letro 1 bag
    novadex 1 bag
    For pct 5000 iu HCG from India source here at naps all products excepts HCG are Genza Pharmaceuticals and threw napsgear
    I have a huge fear of gyno and since i have a small bit from puberty i wanted to have everything on deck for it. Am I wasting my money ordering all of this? What would you reccommend I have beastdrol Dbol from mr. supps about 3 weeks worth what mg should i use the first 2 weeks? and my goals are to gain about 30 pounds from this cycle and strength gains. Also what size shringe should i use 1ml? any info would be greatly appricated. Only cycle i have under my belt is winstrol only when i was 19 did 50 mg every day for four weeks and had the worst sex drive ever after and had no clue on what i was doing. I' am now 21 and researched the hell out of this cycle. Please no bashing

  • #2
    Hey Puck...... like my pops always said "Its better to have and not need than to need and not have!" Whatever you dont use you can save for a later cycle. Seriously, alot of your questions are answered in all the threads. I read probably over 1,500 post and did 2 cycles before I even typed a word on here. At 21, youve got a crazy amount of Test flowing through you already. You'll probably have better results going natural for a few years, savin some cash and not havin to worry about your sex life!

    Just my 2 cents worth.
    "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mighty49er View Post
      Hey Puck...... like my pops always said "Its better to have and not need than to need and not have!" Whatever you dont use you can save for a later cycle. Seriously, alot of your questions are answered in all the threads. I read probably over 1,500 post and did 2 cycles before I even typed a word on here. At 21, youve got a crazy amount of Test flowing through you already. You'll probably have better results going natural for a few years, savin some cash and not havin to worry about your sex life!

      Just my 2 cents worth.
      This is a great post and you may want to listen to this brother.
      First off we don't bash anyone here, the thing is you are very young and we don't want to see you mess things up. Get some training under your belt before you start, training, diet ect. Like you yourself said the first cycle was a winny only, as you learn more you'll come to realize that this was a big newbie mistake. Feel free to ask any questions you have before making any decisions, you'll be better off.
      Good luck brother
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      • #4
        Amen to that Big and Mighty. You'd be crazy if you don't give natural training at least a year and see where it leads you. When I was 21, I was chemical free, (well, gear free, anyway) and my gains were only as impressive as my motivation and training discipline. Just be careful, brother. Throwing your naturally raging hormones out of whack right now could do irreversible damage.
        Employ your time improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. -Socrates

