Anyone got any good New Years Resolutions? Mine is to really crack down on this diet
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New Years Resolutions
I'm going to slowly try to change almost everything. I got into this "I don't give a fuc" mentality and turned into a kind off asshole. Tren always seems to steer me in a less positive direction. Right at the end of the year here I started having some real bad luck......bad karma. Luckily it wasnt to bad but my wires car accident was a wake up, thankfully she only had a sore neck. So next year I'm going to do things different, hopefully 2012 will be much better.Stay In The Grind......Muscle Comes With Time
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, somewhere, somebody is tired of her shit !!
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Yea I'm gonna try and go into 2012 with a little better attitude. I pretty much threw the towel in at the end of September when I got tendinitis so bad in my left elbow and right radial tendon. I started a low dose of deca/test to try and 400/500 every week and this is the third week and it's starting to feel better so my plan is to ease back into moderate routine with a little more cardio. Im gonna work on my attitude, bros I been hating the world and I'm tired of feeling like this. Tired of trying to bait people into fights on the road when their driving pisses me off. Basically gonna try n stop being such a dick. Oh yea and try and post hotter looking girls on here from now on, ya bastards. Oops see, there I frickin go already. Damnit!MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER
Yeah, sounds like everyone had about the same year..not hard to understand with the way the economy is right now, think it has effected everyone's attitute in one way or another...can hardly afford to keep gym membership, just need to keep focused and make it my 1 hour priority...happy new year fella's, wish you all the best this new year..!!test
Ha that been my resolution for matter how hard I work at gym, hair wont
Originally posted by sixteentons View PostMy reolution: Gain 10 lbs of muscle, be a better husband, vote in the Presidential election, and grow my hair back!That last one might be kinda hard LOL
Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!
Originally posted by CFINCH007 View PostI just quit smoking after 17 years bro....get Chantix, it really helps