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Problem with the jewels

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  • Problem with the jewels

    Hey everyone.I'm in the end of my PCT.The cycle was 10 weeks of omnadren 500mg./w. (if you haven't read my other thread,this was my first cycle).My balls were normal right until the day I started the pct.I just looked down and they seemed really small.That's 17 days after my last shot.I have 1 more day left of PCT.Here's what it looks like :

    I started pct 17 days after the last shoot (which was thursday),so it starts on week 13.On day one I took 150mg. of clomid and after that I continued with 100mg. a day for the next 7 days.After that I lowered it to 50mg. for the rest that I have (which is about 13 more days).

    day 1 - 150mg.
    day 2-8 - 100mg.
    day 9-21 - 50mg.

    I'm worried,because I've noticed that sometimes when I work out I feel them going up to my body (I'm not sure if they go inside or not,but it's an unpleasant feeling).

    My question is : since my balls still aren't back to normal,should I continue with the pct and for how long/at what dosage?Maybe I should take a blood test?

    I have to note that when I was taking 100mg. of clomid I used to feel a slight pain in the balls or something like tension.But it disappeared soon after I went to 50mg.

    P.S. And a side question - today I had a nasty cut on my arm (just a scratch,but it was from a dirty,rusty nail so I didn't want to risk it and shot myself up with some Tetatoks (for tetanus).I already asked if it will interfere with my diet and they told me there are no problems,but I just wanted to ask you guys anyway
    Last edited by CellTech; 11-26-2011, 03:43 PM.

  • #2
    CT, the best thing to do would be to get a blood test, that way all your questions would be answered.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by MrBig View Post
      CT, the best thing to do would be to get a blood test, that way all your questions would be answered.
      I think so too.Since I'll be going to a private clinic for the test,can you tell me if only Testosterone and LH will be enough?Anything else I should check?It's pretty expensive there,so I'll test only the most important hormones.Thanks.


      • #4

        See if they are close to you.

        If they are, have them do this panel. I know it's the female panel but observe what they test. It's what you require.


        • #5
          Mine usually don't return to full size until 2 to 3 months after last shot. However, I always use HCG and really reccomend it. My boys never get all that small, but there is still a noticeable difference. HCG is cheap and very, very worth it.

