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Quitting nicotine?

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  • Quitting nicotine?

    For years now I've been a prisoner of nicotine, Dip to be exact. Well , we all know there is absolutely no benefit to this habit nor is it a smart investment. I'll just say, there is nothing like getting a huge pinch after a great training session at the gym. It offers some relaxing qualities in these stressful times but I've grown to see the dangers in this habit. I'm trying to quit! I managed to get through most of the day without dipping but fell under its magic again at 3:00pm.
    I thought this thread would be a good idea considering we have a healthy amount of nicotine users here at juiced. Maybe a few could post up some suggestions on how they kicked the habit?? Any thoughts on nicoret chewing gum? Thanks fellas!!

  • #2
    I wish I could help bro but I have the same problem. I started smoking again awhile back and I'm really having problems quitting this time. I feel really stupid finishing my workout and firing up a cig as soon as I walk out the door.
    The only way been able to quit in the past was by sheer willpower. Just having a really hard time this go around.


    • #3
      I'm still smoking also, but I've quit a few times before and once I was able to get past the second week it was alot easier. I feel the best way is to just stop altogether
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      • #4
        i smoked for a long long time. i havent been into health, fitness and bodybuilding my whole life. in fact, it wasnt until my late 20's that i got serious about the sport of BB. i smoked for about 10 years. i quite about 8 months into being interested in training. it just didnt make sence anymore. i used the gym. i got myself addicted to it on purpose. when i stuck the gum up against my gums, it would tingle. i tried to conciously focus on that feeling. soon after i got that feeling, i would feel the sense of releif that would come with nicotine hitting my brain and soothing my chemical addiction. over time, i slowly started cutting my peices of gum into smaller and smaller servings. i would reduce and let myself get used to the new dose before reducing again. all in all, i think i chewed the gum for like 4-5 months. its been many years now. once in awhile, i will still find a reason to want to smoke, but i know that if i smoke one, i'll be right back where i was.

        i thnk the keo for me was that i really really wanted to quite. i wanted it bad. i wanted it enough that i was willing to risk failing and trying again and not giving up. there are so many reasons not to use this shit! many go far beyond health. i reminded myself of them every day that i was working on quiting.
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        • #5
          hey guys in past i tryed the patch&gum,had it lick but back again i didn't know so many bodybuilders was or r smokers,yes it's bad habit for sure ,went pumping the iron.but to stop is just to stop& try doing something else that matters.


          • #6
            I smoked from 12 to 27

            6years ago quitting was my newyears resolution. A little before midnight I gave my pack to someone and never smoked again. It wasn't easy but it came down to a simple case of mind over matter.

            Many times before that I tried weening myself off or cutting back but always ended up smoking a pack or more per day. Cold turkey was the only way I could do it.


            • #7
              good luck man best advice i can give is to just never touch the damn smokes to begin with lol but it's obviously already to late for u like others have said u just gotta have a strong enough mind
              but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


              • #8
                The chewing gum tastes like shit bro but the patches work great for me. I gave up for 3 months but then had a serious bike accident and started again straight after. I then later gave up for 4 months but lost my job and started again as I was depressed and out of work. I'm trying again now. It's tough bro but can be done. Best thing I found was focus on your reasons for quitting and think of how better your life will be if you quit then keep reminding yourself of that. Of course everyone's reasons and goals are different. Good luck mate.


                • #9
                  i found that "cutting back" in steps,does nothing but make you want the ciggs/dip more. if you really want to quit,youll do it. but you have to honestly want it. not because your girlfriend is bitching,or your friends,or anyone else. ta hell with them,it aint their body and youll set yourself up for failure if you quit for those reasons.

                  just want it and go for it. quit cold as a butterball turkey,and ride it out for 3 days- 1 week,and youll notice your need/urges lessening. regardless of smoking or dipping.

                  best of luck.


                  • #10
                    I used the patch; worked fine for me.


                    • #11
                      Yea its a hell of a habit no doubt! I'll look into that gum..I chewed a piece of that a few months ago and it had some kick!! Its always good hearing people's testimonies and the steps they took. Thanks fellas!


                      • #12
                        Like sam1976 said...I really wanted to quit. Cold turkey, but ate way to much shit and gained unwanted weight...JUST RECENTLY. Time to begin the diet and fix the damage..haha


                        • #13
                          Try the ECigarette.
                          Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Liquid View Post
                            Try the ECigarette.
                            Have you tried these Liquid? I've done research on Electric Cigs and read the website testamonals, but would like to hear some first hand unbiased feedback. Thanks


                            • #15
                              I too have been smoking for ten hrs tried the gum patch no dice.. Seriously u have to remove ur self from a gone else that smokes as a first step Nd don't get the nicotine gum. But reg gum and go to toe. On cases of it.. Also the best way is I u get very sick and can't smoke .. Like I wS sick for two weeks didn't have a cig Nd coulda been fine but i got "bored" if we don't want it 100 percent it'll continue to kill us

