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Imtimacy issue

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  • Imtimacy issue

    I don't know where else to turn to ask this hurtful question. My boyfriend trains like an animal in the gym and is now coming off his cycle completely, tells me his dick wont get hard as he trains very hard in the gym and everything goes to that. I'm sorry but I just cant believe this as hes been training like this for the few years we have been together but the last week its just not hard with me (by himself I don't know - hes says not really that he has no feeling there at times) Has anyone else lost feeling in their dick for periods of time? He says he's losing his drive, but when I see that he is still watching porn I tend to think that hes full of shit!

    Guys please help me here, I train also and I don't lose my drive after a good workout, what is going on here...?

  • #2
    mine works give me call LOL. He may have issues with testosterone or estrogen depends what he is cycling, could also be a medical issue....need more info on what he is using]
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      It could be as simple as he is just not being satisfied. If the porn is there then maybe he is seeing what he would like to have that he is not... Doing the same ole thing all the time is no fun... And with estro level possibly being up its going to a little bit more i would imagine for him to get in the "mood"
      Oh Really, ya think!?


      • #4
        what was he running? how long for? what did he use as pct? it could be if he has come off the test and not had a proper pct his estro levels will be high meaning with low test he wont be able it get it up until his test and estro balance out, we could help more if we know what he was taking.


        • #5
          throw a hard on pill in his drink and see what the outcome is.. if he still says hes not feelin it... then its u lol otherwise one of the above is the answer


          • #6
            yeah what ODB said haha jk, the thing of it being his workouts is bullshit i work out very heavy compound movements and even 5 minutes after my workout i can get a hard on easily tho of course pretty tired so not exactly ready to go but anyway i think everyone will agree that it's very probable he has a hormone imbalance like low t and high e i hope he knows what he is doing with pct and will get this fixed in a few weeks otherwise it's pretty sad -_-
            but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


            • #7
              testosterone is the hormone that gives us our sex drive. steroids are chemical variations of test. when we use them, our natural production become interupted. when we stop using steroids, it can take awhile for natural production to return to normal. i am going to venture to guess that he isn't very educated about AAS or he would have been able to better explain what was going on...either that, or he isn't very good at communicating. hopefull, he has researched enough to have PCT lined up to help spped recovery.

              bottom line, as hard as it can be, dont take it personal. i can relate to this. at more critical points in my contest prep, i lose interest in sex. it isn't because i am tired of the girl i'm with. i just lost interest. the thing he needs to do is really communicate with you exactly what is going on. dont forget, communicating about this might be hard for him. its not gonna be very comfortable for a young guy to talk about having erectile issues.

              as far as the porn goes...i dont know. you could always come out and ask him what you've asked us. maybe he would open up a little. let us know how it goes.
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              • #8
                Did he run Tren or Deca? I know the first time I ran Tren it screwed my boner up for months. Jenna Jameson couldn't have sucked it hard.


                • #9
                  I can say I have been there. Watches porn to make sure he still wants to but to him right now it seems like a hassel to go all the way. It messed with my head because you start feeling less then the man your supposed to be. It is very true about the post cycle therapy. Before I really knew how to use that is what happened to me. Now I got it all under control and I need to bang like a gorilla at least three times a day, Hint Hint baby lol! But if you love the guy take it easy on him
                  Never mistake kindness for weakness...


                  • #10
                    Just read what Sam posted, He's right on.

