This information is for educational and conversational purposes only!
You?ve been down that road before. Either you have considered purchasing gear from a source, or already have purchased gear in the past from a source who will use the mail service to send you your goods.
What is the most important thing that you, the receiver, need to know? I will simply state this in terms of Sun Tzu, the greatest military strategist to have ever lived. ?Know thy source, know thy self, and the odds of you getting caught shall be limited.?
What does that mean? The purchaser has to KNOW and TRUST the source and packaging methods. This goes for international and domestic packing.
First question: Is your source International or Domestic?
If you have an International Source, you have the risk of Customs finding what is in the package. There are sources I know that have packaging methods that will be undetected by Customs. I will not state the key to this in a public forum, but the thing you have to know is that your source, if International, must package with the intention of beating a system designed to X-Ray packages entering the country, run drug-sniffing dogs up and down a ramp full of packages, and finally run through human inspection for anything that may be out of the ordinary, which is usually a package with leaking material, powder, and the likes. Plain and simple, if an international source packages unprofessional, they are unprofessional, and the likes of you getting a seizure notice, or being set up for a controlled delivery has dramatically escalated, one hundred fold.
What do you do if you have an international source that you wish to use, but know nothing about their packaging? First thing, E-MAIL Moderators?do not PM them. Have the decency to keep the board clean and free from any illegalities by e-mailing a moderator using a SECURE E-MAIL, such as a hush, cyber-rights, ziplip, or keptprivate secured e-mail engine. Remember, what you have the intentions to do is ILLEGAL. Ordering gear can ?potentially? ruin your entire life, future, career, and lively hood if you don?t take the proper precautions and you get caught. At the very least, if you are caught, you will spend a lot of money, misery, and worries about the future legal problems you will face, and the outcome it will play on the rest of your life. Second thing, E-MAIL References. References will give you the low down on their experience with the source, that is why they are references and that is their reason of being listed as one. Third and last, E-MAIL the source as the final call for information concerning their packaging. The reason I say e-mail the source last is, even really good sources do not like to give ALL their packaging techniques out to satisfy your worries. They may not have time, or may not trust you, but 7 times out of 10, you will get an answer that will not be specific enough to satisfy you. Veterans and Moderators of this game can help you out with advice, and I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you help one another when it comes to knowing who is and who is not on the professional end concerning their international packaging.
Are Domestic Sources exempt from packaging issues? Well, not exactly. You do not have to worry about Customs issues with a domestic source, but there are a few other issues. Think you are safe with a domestic source? Anyone remember Designer Labs? One of the reasons they were busted was because a clerk at the local post office where they shipped, noticed a package that was falling apart...a closer look, and they noticed syringes and other goodies inside. Were they allowed to use that as evidence? You bet. They don?t need probable cause because of items being in open view due to inadequate packaging. A domestic source that takes packaging for granted is putting your security and theirs at risk. They have to understand that the package gets thrown around at mail facilities, and during the loading/unloading process of mail. Also, anyone remember CyberAS or KJUK? Domestic sources who were being watched put their customers at risk. KJUK?s domestic man, ?Dee Snyder,? kept a database of customers on his computer, which was seized, and a few board members received visits from postal inspectors due to this stupidity. CyberAS was being watched after his gear was intercepted at a local Mailboxes ETC. The postal inspectors took note of what was in the package, re-wrapped it, and kept tabs on CyberAS. By ordering domestic, you are not completely out of the woods, but the risk of you getting caught is dramatically lowered if your source does not pull dumb shit like ?Dee Snyder.? Also, make sure your source uses a secure means of payment. Evocash, Western Union, and MoneyGram are fine, especially WU and MG when using Fake Names, if your source requires a test question. That way, no money trail can be traced back to you, unless you go somewhere where they have a video camera above the WU/MG apparatus. This is something for sources to worry about more than buyers. Note to Domestic Sources: Do not skimp on packaging. Shit happens, boxes break open, and things will get looked into.
Second Question: Which is better: FedEx, UPS, or USPS?
Many people will tell you that FedEx and UPS are superior to the USPS system for shipping/receiving illegal goods. Those people are FULL OF SHIT. FedEx and UPS have their own investigators that can inspect packages. For some reason, being that FedEx and UPS are private entities, the investigators have greater powers under the law to open packages than would a postal inspector needing a warrant under the USPS system. Reason alone, you have more scrutiny available from a FedEx or UPS investigator, which adds one more obstacle in your way of obtaining your package. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT reason to not use FedEx and UPS as to USPS is simply sheer volume of packages being mailed daily. By playing the laws of statistics, a package is LESS likely to be opened or noticed through the USPS system just for the fact that the numbers they mail everyday are MUCH MORE than FedEx and UPS. Also, FedEx and UPS have escalated numbers in packages due to their takeover on the market of corporate America. Guess who mails the average Joe?s packages everyday? You?ve guessed it, USPS. Want to up your odd of having your package blend in with the rest of them, with less scrutiny as far as investigators to look for something? Go with USPS.
Third Question: Should I sign for a package?
Need I say once again, communication and knowing your source is the key to answering this question. I know that a few of you know of certain sources who will only ship using registered mail, which requires the signing for packages. If you trust your source, your source has impeccable packaging that has been proven to beat the system, and that is the way your source does business, then nothing is out of the ordinary. The key is knowing your source. If they ship you a box of sustanon amps, and 10ml vials of test without the proper precautions, you are going to jail my friend. I am sure that you know a few International Sources who ship registered mail who you would have no qualms with ordering from because of their undetectable packaging methods. Domestically, I see no reason for a source to make you sign for a package. Delivery Confirmation is sufficient means for assurance on both sides that a package was delivered. If you have a trusted source, talk with moderators and veterans of this game, then you will greatly reduce your risk of knowing who to stay away from and who to do business with. Under the law, law enforcement does not need your signature to prove you guilty of receiving AAS, so like I stated earlier, know your source and if this is how he does business.
Fourth Question: Should I use real or fake names?
Well, the answer to this question depends on where the package is going to be received. If you live in an apartment complex, then you can get away with using a fake name. If you are using a residential address, then I suggest not using a fake name. Remember, your mailman walks the same route, day after day, year after year. They will notice anything out of the ordinary to arise suspicion. I don?t recommend using fake names. Remember, anyone can send you anything in the mail anyways.
Fifth Question: Should and Can I sign for fake name packages?
Ok, if you receive a package, remember that your mailman will know you. They do the same route all the time, and will eventually run into you at some point. Do not arise any suspicion. I don?t recommend using fake names to begin with. Second, when you sign for registered mail from overseas, if you miss the mailman that day, you have to pick up the package at the Post Office. Standard USPS policy states that you need identification to pick up registered mail if it is a missed delivery. You can have the slip in hand, but you will still need identification stating you are who is supposed to receive the package. Guess what? You use a fake name, you cannot get your package. If there is no return address on the package, it will go to the local general mail facility after a period of time not being picked up. After a period of time, dead mail can be opened to see if it can be returned or forwarded to the correct address. They open up the package and find gear and take a guess as to who they will come talking to. Remember, you can ask them to re-deliver the package with the fake name, but make sure you are there to sign for it. Once again, it is not worth the risk to use a fake name to say, ?I didn?t order it. It has someone else?s name on it.? Postal Inspectors are not dumb individuals. They are amongst the most professional, highly trained, and educated law enforcement agencies available, considered on par with the FBI. If they can link it to you, they will.
You?ve been down that road before. Either you have considered purchasing gear from a source, or already have purchased gear in the past from a source who will use the mail service to send you your goods.
What is the most important thing that you, the receiver, need to know? I will simply state this in terms of Sun Tzu, the greatest military strategist to have ever lived. ?Know thy source, know thy self, and the odds of you getting caught shall be limited.?
What does that mean? The purchaser has to KNOW and TRUST the source and packaging methods. This goes for international and domestic packing.
First question: Is your source International or Domestic?
If you have an International Source, you have the risk of Customs finding what is in the package. There are sources I know that have packaging methods that will be undetected by Customs. I will not state the key to this in a public forum, but the thing you have to know is that your source, if International, must package with the intention of beating a system designed to X-Ray packages entering the country, run drug-sniffing dogs up and down a ramp full of packages, and finally run through human inspection for anything that may be out of the ordinary, which is usually a package with leaking material, powder, and the likes. Plain and simple, if an international source packages unprofessional, they are unprofessional, and the likes of you getting a seizure notice, or being set up for a controlled delivery has dramatically escalated, one hundred fold.
What do you do if you have an international source that you wish to use, but know nothing about their packaging? First thing, E-MAIL Moderators?do not PM them. Have the decency to keep the board clean and free from any illegalities by e-mailing a moderator using a SECURE E-MAIL, such as a hush, cyber-rights, ziplip, or keptprivate secured e-mail engine. Remember, what you have the intentions to do is ILLEGAL. Ordering gear can ?potentially? ruin your entire life, future, career, and lively hood if you don?t take the proper precautions and you get caught. At the very least, if you are caught, you will spend a lot of money, misery, and worries about the future legal problems you will face, and the outcome it will play on the rest of your life. Second thing, E-MAIL References. References will give you the low down on their experience with the source, that is why they are references and that is their reason of being listed as one. Third and last, E-MAIL the source as the final call for information concerning their packaging. The reason I say e-mail the source last is, even really good sources do not like to give ALL their packaging techniques out to satisfy your worries. They may not have time, or may not trust you, but 7 times out of 10, you will get an answer that will not be specific enough to satisfy you. Veterans and Moderators of this game can help you out with advice, and I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you help one another when it comes to knowing who is and who is not on the professional end concerning their international packaging.
Are Domestic Sources exempt from packaging issues? Well, not exactly. You do not have to worry about Customs issues with a domestic source, but there are a few other issues. Think you are safe with a domestic source? Anyone remember Designer Labs? One of the reasons they were busted was because a clerk at the local post office where they shipped, noticed a package that was falling apart...a closer look, and they noticed syringes and other goodies inside. Were they allowed to use that as evidence? You bet. They don?t need probable cause because of items being in open view due to inadequate packaging. A domestic source that takes packaging for granted is putting your security and theirs at risk. They have to understand that the package gets thrown around at mail facilities, and during the loading/unloading process of mail. Also, anyone remember CyberAS or KJUK? Domestic sources who were being watched put their customers at risk. KJUK?s domestic man, ?Dee Snyder,? kept a database of customers on his computer, which was seized, and a few board members received visits from postal inspectors due to this stupidity. CyberAS was being watched after his gear was intercepted at a local Mailboxes ETC. The postal inspectors took note of what was in the package, re-wrapped it, and kept tabs on CyberAS. By ordering domestic, you are not completely out of the woods, but the risk of you getting caught is dramatically lowered if your source does not pull dumb shit like ?Dee Snyder.? Also, make sure your source uses a secure means of payment. Evocash, Western Union, and MoneyGram are fine, especially WU and MG when using Fake Names, if your source requires a test question. That way, no money trail can be traced back to you, unless you go somewhere where they have a video camera above the WU/MG apparatus. This is something for sources to worry about more than buyers. Note to Domestic Sources: Do not skimp on packaging. Shit happens, boxes break open, and things will get looked into.
Second Question: Which is better: FedEx, UPS, or USPS?
Many people will tell you that FedEx and UPS are superior to the USPS system for shipping/receiving illegal goods. Those people are FULL OF SHIT. FedEx and UPS have their own investigators that can inspect packages. For some reason, being that FedEx and UPS are private entities, the investigators have greater powers under the law to open packages than would a postal inspector needing a warrant under the USPS system. Reason alone, you have more scrutiny available from a FedEx or UPS investigator, which adds one more obstacle in your way of obtaining your package. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT reason to not use FedEx and UPS as to USPS is simply sheer volume of packages being mailed daily. By playing the laws of statistics, a package is LESS likely to be opened or noticed through the USPS system just for the fact that the numbers they mail everyday are MUCH MORE than FedEx and UPS. Also, FedEx and UPS have escalated numbers in packages due to their takeover on the market of corporate America. Guess who mails the average Joe?s packages everyday? You?ve guessed it, USPS. Want to up your odd of having your package blend in with the rest of them, with less scrutiny as far as investigators to look for something? Go with USPS.
Third Question: Should I sign for a package?
Need I say once again, communication and knowing your source is the key to answering this question. I know that a few of you know of certain sources who will only ship using registered mail, which requires the signing for packages. If you trust your source, your source has impeccable packaging that has been proven to beat the system, and that is the way your source does business, then nothing is out of the ordinary. The key is knowing your source. If they ship you a box of sustanon amps, and 10ml vials of test without the proper precautions, you are going to jail my friend. I am sure that you know a few International Sources who ship registered mail who you would have no qualms with ordering from because of their undetectable packaging methods. Domestically, I see no reason for a source to make you sign for a package. Delivery Confirmation is sufficient means for assurance on both sides that a package was delivered. If you have a trusted source, talk with moderators and veterans of this game, then you will greatly reduce your risk of knowing who to stay away from and who to do business with. Under the law, law enforcement does not need your signature to prove you guilty of receiving AAS, so like I stated earlier, know your source and if this is how he does business.
Fourth Question: Should I use real or fake names?
Well, the answer to this question depends on where the package is going to be received. If you live in an apartment complex, then you can get away with using a fake name. If you are using a residential address, then I suggest not using a fake name. Remember, your mailman walks the same route, day after day, year after year. They will notice anything out of the ordinary to arise suspicion. I don?t recommend using fake names. Remember, anyone can send you anything in the mail anyways.
Fifth Question: Should and Can I sign for fake name packages?
Ok, if you receive a package, remember that your mailman will know you. They do the same route all the time, and will eventually run into you at some point. Do not arise any suspicion. I don?t recommend using fake names to begin with. Second, when you sign for registered mail from overseas, if you miss the mailman that day, you have to pick up the package at the Post Office. Standard USPS policy states that you need identification to pick up registered mail if it is a missed delivery. You can have the slip in hand, but you will still need identification stating you are who is supposed to receive the package. Guess what? You use a fake name, you cannot get your package. If there is no return address on the package, it will go to the local general mail facility after a period of time not being picked up. After a period of time, dead mail can be opened to see if it can be returned or forwarded to the correct address. They open up the package and find gear and take a guess as to who they will come talking to. Remember, you can ask them to re-deliver the package with the fake name, but make sure you are there to sign for it. Once again, it is not worth the risk to use a fake name to say, ?I didn?t order it. It has someone else?s name on it.? Postal Inspectors are not dumb individuals. They are amongst the most professional, highly trained, and educated law enforcement agencies available, considered on par with the FBI. If they can link it to you, they will.