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Over-40 Bodybuilder?s Golden Rule

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  • Over-40 Bodybuilder?s Golden Rule

    Over-40 Bodybuilder?s Golden Rule

    Your age and training experience affect your goals. For example, if you?re 41 and have trained consistently since your teens, your goals and training routines will be different from those of a 41-year-old beginner. If you?re 61, with many years of training experience, you?ll probably have different concerns, goals and routines from those of a 41-year-old who also has many years of training experience. And if you?re 81, you?ll probably have concerns, goals and training routines different from those of a 61-year-old.

    But whether you?re 41, 61, 81 or any other age, the golden rule will apply to you. Act on it, and ensure your relentless progress toward your goals.

    Each day is an opportunity to take a small step toward your goals. Each day is also an opportunity to fail to take a small step toward your goals. And each day is an opportunity to take a small or perhaps large step away from your goals.

    You can?t retake a day to make a better job of it. Each day is a one-off event. If you don?t get it right, you?ll have blown an opportunity for progress.

    Your life is a sequence of todays. You get a fresh one every 24 hours, a fresh opportunity to get everything right. For determining whether you make progress toward your goals, there?s nothing more important than what you do today.

    You can?t change anything from the past, and you don?t know what the future is going to bring. The best you can do is to get today right.

    If today is a training day, you have a one-off opportunity to have a perfect workout. Perform only exercises that are suited to you. Use correct technique and a single-minded focus. Train hard while striving to add a little weight to each exercise every week or two. Ignore any temptation to do anything rash in your workout.

    Take each workout one at a time. Make it perfect. If you can make one workout perfect, you can make the next one perfect and the next one and then the next one.

    If today is a cardio day, you have an opportunity to have a perfect heart workout. Perform a cardio activity that?s safe, preferably one that you enjoy?or at least don?t dislike. Use correct technique and a single-minded focus. Train hard enough to produce a sufficient heart-training effect. Ignore any temptation to do anything rash in your workout.

    Take each cardio workout one at a time. Make it perfect. If you can make one cardio workout perfect, you can make the next one perfect and the next one and then the next one.

    If today is a stretching day, you have a one-off opportunity to have a perfect flexibility workout. Perform only stretches that are safe and that you enjoy. Use correct technique and a single-minded focus. Ignore any temptation to do anything rash while stretching.

    Take each stretching session one at a time. Make it perfect. If you can make one stretching workout perfect, you can make the next one perfect and the next one and then the next one.

    Today you have a one-off opportunity to have a perfect day of nourishment. Eat only the number of calories that are appropriate for you at present. Eat only healthful food in quantities appropriate for you, and eat only food that you can digest comfortably. Eat for nourishment, not entertainment, but choose a variety of healthful foods that you enjoy.

    Take each meal and day?s nutrition one at a time. Make each meal perfect. If you can make one day?s nutrition perfect, you can make the next one perfect and the next one and then the next one.

    You have another one-off opportunity to have a perfect night of rest. Go to bed early enough to obtain enough sleep before you have to get up?give sleep more priority than the TV, for example. Sleep until you wake naturally.

    Take each day?s sleep one at a time. Make each bout of sleep perfect. If you can make one day?s sleep perfect, you can make the next one perfect and the next one and then the next one.

    As far as your training, nutrition and sleep go, keep your mind totally on one day at a time. That?s the golden rule.
    Give 100 percent to getting today right. Tomorrow you?ll have a new today. Give 100 percent to getting that today right. Then the following day you?ll have another new today. And so on.

    Do that relentlessly, and you?ll eventually reach your goals, provided you know how to train and eat properly and what actions to take to improve the quality of your sleep?and provided you have realistic goals.

    Building a large brick wall is done one brick at a time; and building your physique is done one day at a time, bit by bit.

    Inch by inch, life?s a cinch. One day at a time, bodybuilding is too.

  • #2
    I am not getting any younger and this is pretty much how I approach things. Nice post. Thanks.


    • #3
      thats really a great way to look at things& everything in between,a great read my man.i like it,&who don't can kiss my,i like it.couldn't be said enough.


      • #4
        Thanks guys.


        • #5
          nice read, we all grow older and have to deal with the fact that we are more prone to injuries, recover slower etc. Just look at it in positive way..


          • #6
            great thread. i'm not 40 yet, but there is a lot i can learn from it
            if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE


            • #7

              Hey bro....check you private messages. relates to this post etc. thanks Fraz


              • #8
                nice...i still think i'm a kid some times,rest is something thats hard 4 me to stick 43 i'm finding it takes as long as it takes to fully recover.good post....iron matt


                • #9
                  suggestions with credit card Machine

                  First, probably isnt the right website to post this. Sorry, but im desperate. You guys seem to be good with with computer related stuff. We have a credit card terminal and everything was working perfect until we went from time warner cable to DSL. Our credit card terminal now will NOT connect through ethernet..only dial up. We have checked our router that it is plugged into and the port is flickering so we know its connected. All of our desktops connect to the net all day long without problems .Anyone have any suggestions!?!? Thanks in advance!

