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Former Ticats Matechuk Apologized for Steroid Controversy, Has Another Story to Tell

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  • Former Ticats Matechuk Apologized for Steroid Controversy, Has Another Story to Tell

    Former Ticats Matechuk Apologized for Steroid Controversy, Has Another Story to Tell

    Former Tiger Cats long snapper Jordan Matechuk already pleaded guilty to possession of controlled substances. He was apprehended by US Customs and Border Protection officers last May for possessing 543 anabolic steroid pills, 262 milliliters of anabolic steroids in liquid form, 1.25 grams of marijuana, 19 syringes and 51 replacement needles. He is now facing two felony charges for steroids and Oxycontin possession and one misdemeanor charge for possession of marijuana according to online reports.

    The case is being heard in a US District Court in Michigan. Prosecutor Brian Peppler told the AP that the case of Matechuk is considered closed after his guilty plea. The former Hamilton Ticats is scheduled to be sentenced on August 24.

    The Hamilton Ticats immediately released him from the squad after the incident. They contend that Matechuk failed to adhere to the team?s integrity and honesty policy.

    Matechuk Issued Apology

    In the interview of Sportsnet.Ca, Jordan Matechuk apologizes to people who were hurt and affected by his involvement in steroids. ?I?d like to send out a sincere apology to the Tiger-Cats franchise, the CFL, my teammates, coaching staff, peers within the league, my family and friends for the situation I?m in,? Matechuk said.

    ?I take full responsibility for my actions and whatever happens, happens,? he said. ?I want to better myself as a human being more than anything. I?m not saying I?m a bad guy or anything, I was caught in a situation and I?m dealing with it. My dreams and my life have basically been taken away from me by my actions and I take responsibility for that and do what I have to do,? Matechuk added. He also thanked his family and friends for the support during this very difficult part of his life.

    He also said that a letter of apology was sent to the CFL management. When asked if there was a response from them, Matechuk declined to comment.

    Not a Steroid User, has His Own Story to Tell

    During the interview, the former CFL player contends that he is not a steroid user contrary to what many people assumed. Health experts estimated that the amount of anabolic steroids seized from him is enough for a one full season of steroid use so it?s not unusual for people to think that he purchased steroids for personal use.

    The former Ticats also told the media that he was hurt by many slanderous reports about him. He said there?s another side to this story. He promised to talks about it after his sentencing. ?Once it?s all resolved on the 24th, I?ll gladly speak to you and everyone about that,? he said.

    He also shared the same comment when interviewed by the AP. ?The facts about what has happened aren?t as they appear in the media stories I?ve seen, and there is another side to the story. Unfortunately, I can?t comment further on it at this time,? Matechuk said.

    Still Wants to Play Football

    Matechuk is still doing workouts in gym to maintain his physique and hopes that he can still return to professional football. However, his future is dependent on the August 24 verdict. He could face up to 3 years in prison but may receive a lighter sentence because of the plea deal. Another problem that he must face is on how to convince Canadian football teams to give him another chance. Once convicted, he has a very dim chance of playing football again.