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Double Digit Age Difference?

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  • Double Digit Age Difference?

    What's up guys, it's been a while since I've logged on. I broke up with my gf of amlost 6 years at the beginning of this month and moved back home. So I'm just wondering what kind of age difference you are comfortable with regarding to the opposite sex? I turned 30 back in March, but am told I don't look a day over 25. I hooked up with a 20 year old about 2 weeks ago and hung out with her a few times since. Should I feel bad I'm a decade older than her?? I've been on the other end with a chick 8 years older and she didn't seem to mind. I really don't care but it would be nice if she didn't need a fake ID or I didn't have to worry about giving alcohol to someone underage. Anyway, so what's the youngest you would feel comfortable with doing, and/ or what's the biggest difference in age you have done?
    Founder of M.A.A.D.

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  • #2
    "i keep getting older, but the girls stay the same age..."
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body


    • #3
      Originally posted by gunslinger2
      I've done a 10 year age difference. Honestly it really depends on what you are looking for. If you are wanting a serious long term meaningful relationship Id stay away from the younger ones. At 30 Id be looking at women 27-32 or there abouts. Now if all you are looking for is some fun (and IMO thats all you should really be looking for until you are over the ex) Id say any girl over 18 is GTG. Bang em all while you still can then when you are ready to get serious start looking for women closer to your age, maybe even a bit older.

      Something strange seems to happen at about age 32-35, the 18-25 year olds start looking at you like you are their grandpa. I kid you not bro. When I was 30-32 I had 20 year olds checking me out left and right. Then at about 33 they were like "eww, pervert!" Enjoy it while you can.
      I hear you bro, you're right on point! I'm just gonna run through as many young chicks as possible this summer and enjoy myself. Tell you what it certainly feels good being single for my first summer in 6 years.
      Founder of M.A.A.D.

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      • #4
        Originally posted by PushinWeight View Post
        "i keep getting older, but the girls stay the same age..."
        Thanks bro, I love that about HS girls too. lol
        Founder of M.A.A.D.

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        • #5
          Originally posted by DiscoDino247 View Post
          Tell you what it certainly feels good being single for my first summer in 6 years.
          im jealous!
          Pain is just weakness leaving the body


          • #6
            I split with my ex-wife years ago and ended up hooking up with a girl 14 years younger than me.
            I have to say I was scared as shit to get serious but I finally just said Fuck it and now we have been living together for five years
            And I have never been happier! We get along great, she is awesome with my kids and they love the heck out of her.
            It is kind of crazy with some things like music I know is a remake and she thinks its the original but as a whole its great.

            It's not about age, its about how two people click, its about being on the same level.
            She gets me and i get her and that's all that matters.

            And she makes all my meals during contest prep so I couldn't be

            (hope that wasn't to Dr. Phill)


            • #7
              21 years old a must!!! after that case by case basis


              • #8
                Originally posted by PushinWeight View Post
                im jealous!
                well i wish i was 285 and not 185... so i guess it all evens out?
                Founder of M.A.A.D.

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                • #9
                  Originally posted by tiny tim View Post
                  I split with my ex-wife years ago and ended up hooking up with a girl 14 years younger than me.
                  I have to say I was scared as shit to get serious but I finally just said Fuck it and now we have been living together for five years
                  And I have never been happier! We get along great, she is awesome with my kids and they love the heck out of her.
                  It is kind of crazy with some things like music I know is a remake and she thinks its the original but as a whole its great.

                  It's not about age, its about how two people click, its about being on the same level.
                  She gets me and i get her and that's all that matters.

                  And she makes all my meals during contest prep so I couldn't be

                  (hope that wasn't to Dr. Phill)
                  good stuff, that's really great. best of luck to the both of you!
                  Founder of M.A.A.D.

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                  • #10
                    In my personal experience age is irrelavent... an immature 16 year old bitch is still an immature bitch at 40... ... but then there are plenty of sensible pretty little 16 years olds too. (FYI 16 is legal in KY ... currently my girl is 28, but that's just by chance... I don't descriminate based on age as long as they are legal... the younger they are the more they have to learn... which can be good and bad... they may seem naive or ignorant in some ways but you also get to nurture the parts of their personality that you like and disuade the parts you don't... .
                    Like my great grandfather said (who married my grandmother at 13 when he was 30) "marry'em young and raise'em the way you want'em"...


                    • #11
                      13 legal in Kentucky!! Well I guess that's about right.
                      13 is when you usually get your first pair of shoes there so I've heard. Lol, j/k bro.


                      • #12
                        I've dated 23yr olds when I was 40. 28yr olds when I was 50. I'm 53 and I just got married last year. My wife is 36. I admit I'm shallow. Have you seen some of the women my age? Lol


                        • #13
                          yeah... i bagged a 50 year old when I wasa 27... she was freaking HOT!

                          .... but absolutely horrible in bed and couldn't stay wet to save her life.


                          • #14
                            10 yrs is nothin mate. My sister is 27 and she is seeing a 40 yr old. Who cares. Its only matters if you are happy together and are equally mature and want the same things.

                            Have i misunderstood something here?? You can marry a 13yr old with parental consent in the US?? Really?? Jesus if you even suggested interest in a 13yr old here in the uk you would be lynched by the masses. Except for those Amish colonies i thought the US laws were pretty much the same as they are here with re to sex/marriage?

