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Telling your Girlfriend You Use Juice

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  • Telling your Girlfriend You Use Juice

    Alright guys

    Told my girlfriend I have been using gear last night, she says shes cool with me using however what she is miffed about is me lying to her a couple of days ago when she asked me if I was using but I denied it. I thought great Ive been wanting to tell you for ages and now she says but I don't know if I can trust you as you lied to me.

    I mean she knows absolutely everything about my life now, there isn't anything else at all. Any tips on how to play this one?

    Cheers guys

  • #2
    Tell her it is your choice. I don't know how long your relationship with her has been, but I lied to girls that I had been with for years. My first one I was with was for a 5 year period and the last two I was on juice. She did go down to mexico with me every other week so that I could stock up (I was dealing it), but i told her I didn't like needles and was doing it for the money. She always questioned why I was getting bigger, and I lied to her and told her creatine. I also told the next girl who asked me if I was using that I wasn't and she constantly told me that my semen tasted like straight chemicals, the issue was that her sister knew me before I got big and said that there was no way that I looked that way without them. I lied the whole relationship. Finally I got to the point when women asked me I would flat out tell them yes, point in case, I was at a bar one night a women walked up to me and asked me if I was on steroids, I looked at her dead in the eye and told her yes. She put her head down, I looked back over at her and asked her if she would have rather me started of this relationship with a flat out lie or the truth. She really liked that and we were together for a lil' over a year. The girl I live with now, when I first met her I was on, but when decided to go back on I had the discussion with her, and told her flat out it was my decision, and that she had absolutely no say in what I do to myself along those lines because i have been using on and off for years. It took her a couple of days, but she finally accepted that. All in all, I learned that it is a shitload easier to tell them the truth from the get go and if they don't like it fuck them. Plus like I said they will respect you more for not lying to them.


    • #3
      Been Married 13 years still haven't told her.

      -can't trust something that bleeds for days but does not die.
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        im with odb, ive only told 1-2 women, i just dont trust them. women can be vendictive if things dont go their way
        Pain is just weakness leaving the body


        • #5
          Need to know basis, and they don't need to know. Nothing for them to relate to it. I wouldn't lie, just plea the fifth.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bugse2342 View Post
            Need to know basis, and they don't need to know. Nothing for them to relate to it. I wouldn't lie, just plea the fifth.
            Hang on ill have to wiki look up 'The Fifth' Im British :P lol

            I just told her Im so sick of having a crap physique, that Im always at the back of the pack at the running club and good diet and exercise alone are not enough. I was on psychiatric meds for years including the lovely Seroquel and its destroyed my metabolism and my thyroid is just below the bottom threshold for prescribing in britain however my doc says its such a tiny way out that he wont prescribe t3 for me...grrrr so I bust my ass in the gym 5 days a week and dont make much progress so I started using juice 3 months ago for that reason.

            Well shes cool with it, put it this way she could royally cause issues for me and my family but I really dont think shell do that. Been with her 4 years now and shes a really nice girl. Just couldn't lie to her anymore. She said she already knew anyway lol
            Senior Member
            Last edited by allergate; 07-20-2011, 03:39 PM.


            • #7
              I live with my fiance. Its hard to hide needles and vials from her. She found out when finding a test vial in my night stand next to bed. She flipped, but I told her everything and she was glad I was honest enough with her. You lady should be glad that your willing to be honest with her.
              Muscles are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Eat big to get big.


              • #8
                ^^^ and if you do tell her whats up, DONT tell her the details about where they come from and everything. just imagine her telling le youve been getting packages from timbucktoo and theyve been going to your po box at 965976 trouble rd; you use the money gram at walmart, etc.
                Pain is just weakness leaving the body


                • #9
                  I agree with Gunslinger2 tell your wife that is your partner forever and never lie to your wife. Never tell a girlfriend they will hold it over your head everytime you guys fight, and they tell there friends!!


                  • #10
                    Make sure u have good dirt on them first . Leverage


                    • #11
                      I ahve to agree with telling the wife.I have told my wife from the very beginning.I have been happily married for almost 14 yrs now and its because we've ALWAYS told each other everything.Thats the reral key to keeping a happy relationship guys.Sure my wife was against it at first but only becasue of what she knew about AAS from the media bullshit.Once she saw the proof first hand,she was put more at ease.She has seen my blood tests from every cycle I run and also has spoken to out family dr about the state of my health,and he continues to tell that im probably healthier than her.LOL

                      As for your girl saying how she's not sure oif she can trust you now because you lied to her,you just need to tell her that the only reason you denied it was because you were scared how she would take it because of how bad the rep for AAS use is.Its not that you were lying to her about something that would come between you,its was just something that you choose to do with your life and because of how AAS have become so "taboo" to even mention,you were not sure how to tell her.

                      Also tell her that you would never lie to her about anything and this was just something that is a touchy subject and you wanted to make sure shge would understand and planned on telling her about it and also educating her on their real benefits and use.

                      Good luck brother.Don't worry,she'll understand if she loves you and you'll move forward with her blessings.


                      • #12
                        My woman pins me and takes Hgh with me.


                        • #13
                          I told my wife right away and as a matter a fact I had her pin me too (first cycle) and the next cycle she was wondering why do it since I look so good and in shape and I said I wanted more strength rather than looks oh and by the way this was a test cycle, she got pounded so many times daily that she got over it pretty quickly
                          Never mistake kindness for weakness...


                          • #14
                            lol i like the way jelly bean puts it as for u i pretty much agree with everyone else if it's ur gf probably dont tell her if it's ur wife than probably do tell her but ur the only one that knows her well enough to tell her the right way
                            but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


                            • #15
                              Shes very cool and watched me pin winny last night. She was curious more than anything but Ive explained the risks to her and how the benefits if used intelligently far outweigh the risks. She's fine, I did say to her I was worried how she would take it due to the taboo and she's not bothered. As she understands its not against the law as its the UK possession is ok however dealing is an offence - I would never go down that road. Only time will tell as to how things pan out but Im sure everything will be good Shes a top lass

