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Frequent Random Steroid Testing of New Jersey Law Enforcement Pushed

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  • Frequent Random Steroid Testing of New Jersey Law Enforcement Pushed

    After a six-month investigation, New Jersey?s attorney general comes up with new measures to curtail the abuse of anabolic steroids by several law enforcement officers in the state. An investigative report by a local newspaper last year prompted the state to investigate the rampant use of steroids by police officers and firefighters. It was estimated that at least 248 officers obtained illegal prescriptions for steroids and HGH from a Jersey City doctor. It was also found out that these police officers used their health benefits to pay for these steroids.

    In the previous months, lawmakers in New Jersey filed several bills to address the problem. One of the stalwart proponents of the new bills is Rep John McKeon. If these proposals are approved, the state will be the first in the country to implement an anti-doping policy aimed at law enforcement officers. Currently, most state and other organizations focus on the abuse of steroids by professional athletes.

    New Policies will Deter Officers to Use Steroids

    New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow told the media that reforms and new measures will be implemented in New Jersey law enforcement agencies. ?It is important that we strengthen oversight, regulation and investigation in order to discourage the improper use of steroids throughout New Jersey?s law enforcement community and ensure the public?s confidence,? Dow said.

    She said the revisions of existing policies will give police department new powers to test officers who are suspected of using steroids. The new measures will also allow them to investigate doctors who might be involved in the illegal prescriptions of performance enhancing drugs.

    Dow also recommended a more stringent supervision of the state-funded health benefits program. Millions were spent by the state for these illegal prescriptions of steroids and hgh. ?The cost is borne not just by taxpayers, but in the erosion of faith people have in those who protect and serve. This is unacceptable,? she said.

    Police Chiefs Supports New Measures

    While the implementation of these new measures will still depend on each department, the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police is confident that all will follow the recommendations. William Nally, the president of the association, told the media that police departments across the state will include random steroid testing in their regular drug testing program. ?I?m sure as soon as the policy is revised, almost every police department that?s involved in drug testing will incorporate this into their policies,? said Nally.

    Although the cost is still a major factor in the inclusion of steroid tests, random testing of some officers every six months will suffice. The cost of regular drug test is $35 while a steroid test cost around $250.

    Police Unions in New Jersey are also supportive of the random steroid testing. The spokesperson of New Jersey Police Benevolent Association told Reuters that they don?t want any law enforcement officer taking illegally prescribed drugs.

    Random Testing for Steroids Important Alternative

    Members of the investigating panel believed that their recommendations will have a strong deterring effect on law enforcement officers. Since the state is already implementing the prescription monitoring program, it will now discourage doctors to prescribe steroids and human growth hormone if it is not medically needed. Prosecutor Camelia Valdes, a member of the panel, said it will force hard core users to purchase from the black market which will make it easier for the prosecutors file criminal charges.

    Even if the coverage of steroid testing is not department wide, they still consider it as the best alternative in curtailing the abuse of steroids in the law enforcement. Prosecutor Joseph Bocchini said that this measure is a win-win solution. ?There?s a genuine feeling that the image of law enforcement is as important as the job they do, so if this is something that will bring comfort to the public, then it?s good for law enforcement, and it?s good for the public,? said Bocchini.

  • #2
    So you have the government again stepping in to curb this huge problem of steroid abuse. 248 officers out of a population of 8.7 million equates to .0000285 % of the population affected. Yes I see why we need to waste money and time drafting laws to now test the new jersey officers because of such an epidemic.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nephilim View Post
      So you have the government again stepping in to curb this huge problem of steroid abuse. 248 officers out of a population of 8.7 million equates to .0000285 % of the population affected. Yes I see why we need to waste money and time drafting laws to now test the new jersey officers because of such an epidemic.
      Very good to know that the tax payers hard earned dollars are helping to fight this issue. If they did not catch this problem, who knows it may have sky rocketed up to
      .0000286% and who knows what would have happened then. The gov. prioities and so ass backwards
      Never mistake kindness for weakness...


      • #4
        I couldn't find a total number of law officers in new jersey but I did find that one department had like 1100 officers so if they tested that department once a year it would cost a whopping 275 thousand a year. Good grief. Fat lazy fucks sure like to pass laws and point fingers at other people they will never be able to be.


        • #5
          The gym I go to in NYC has tons tons of cops in there and most of the young ones are on aas. I almost shit myself about a year ago when I was talking to my old source about aas when a cop in full uniform interupted. Turned out he interrupted to buy some tren.

          Honestly good, I hope all the cops involved get arrested. When we get caught we get tossed in jail they got caught nothing happens.


          • #6
            Sick.. Nephilim, you are funny guy to say at least
            Thanx for your humor this morning.
            Stupid usa goverment....


            • #7
              Yer looking at it wrong though NYC. Unless you are standing on the street corner peddling the stuff to kids, NOBODY should be arrested for it. It is, to say the least, a victimless crime. You want to use it? Who cares? I don't. You know who does though? The 85% of the population who buys into this anti-doping bullshit in professional sports. Professional sports and athletes thereof dictate so much and so many laws that wind up enforced on the average person like me, it's sickening. personally I wouldn't care if they had to make centerfield of Yankee stadium a 1000 feet. Jack it up and crush that ball.... Come on, a pro baseball player has to go in front of a senate judiciary committee to discuss his alleged dishonesty about the use of juice? Really? Yer wasting all our tax money why again? Because of a sport and a substance that affects less than 2% of the population. Big brother at it's finest. I'll make you a bet. You bring me one person using juice, In return I'll bring you five that are hooked on heroin. Pound for pound see which group causes more death destruction and devastation. Definitely the roid heads...... Finally, i guess I'd rather have a juiced up super cop that takes care of himself than a fat doughnut eating slob to protect my wife or my kids when I'm not around. Saying you'd like to see them go to jail for it would be like me saying I'd like to see you and fist and blue and Sam and everyone else on here go to jail for it. I don't want to see anyone lose their job or career or livelihood over something that shouldn't even be an issue.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nephilim View Post
                Yer looking at it wrong though NYC. Unless you are standing on the street corner peddling the stuff to kids, NOBODY should be arrested for it. It is, to say the least, a victimless crime. You want to use it? Who cares? I don't. You know who does though? The 85% of the population who buys into this anti-doping bullshit in professional sports. Professional sports and athletes thereof dictate so much and so many laws that wind up enforced on the average person like me, it's sickening. personally I wouldn't care if they had to make centerfield of Yankee stadium a 1000 feet. Jack it up and crush that ball.... Come on, a pro baseball player has to go in front of a senate judiciary committee to discuss his alleged dishonesty about the use of juice? Really? Yer wasting all our tax money why again? Because of a sport and a substance that affects less than 2% of the population. Big brother at it's finest. I'll make you a bet. You bring me one person using juice, In return I'll bring you five that are hooked on heroin. Pound for pound see which group causes more death destruction and devastation. Definitely the roid heads...... Finally, i guess I'd rather have a juiced up super cop that takes care of himself than a fat doughnut eating slob to protect my wife or my kids when I'm not around. Saying you'd like to see them go to jail for it would be like me saying I'd like to see you and fist and blue and Sam and everyone else on here go to jail for it. I don't want to see anyone lose their job or career or livelihood over something that shouldn't even be an issue.
                Srry it took so long to respond when the sponsor closed I got sidetracked (waiting since may for my pack)

                Dude obviously I'm not against aas I wish they were legal. What I'm referring to is the hypocrisy, they lock people up for it n then do it themselves. Usually when there's a big steroid investigation the people using n selling get arrested. Y is it that when cops r found breaking the law no1 goes to jail? Honestly look at the threads in this section of the forum bust after bust and arrest after arrest. Y when 250 cops get caught are their 0 arrests. But the latest thread talks about the arrest of a 21 yr old kid for aas.

                Maby if NY's finest start to speak up for aas law reform it will be taken seriously. One cop I met has been on aas 4 15years, he was at ground zero on 911. A headline like "hero taking aas on 911 backs steroid legalization" would have a huge effect on the debate. Instead we get aas users throwing other aas users in jail for using aas.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nyc View Post
                  Srry it took so long to respond when the sponsor closed I got sidetracked (waiting since may for my pack)

                  Dude obviously I'm not against aas I wish they were legal. What I'm referring to is the hypocrisy, they lock people up for it n then do it themselves. Usually when there's a big steroid investigation the people using n selling get arrested. Y is it that when cops r found breaking the law no1 goes to jail? Honestly look at the threads in this section of the forum bust after bust and arrest after arrest. Y when 250 cops get caught are their 0 arrests. But the latest thread talks about the arrest of a 21 yr old kid for aas.

                  Maby if NY's finest start to speak up for aas law reform it will be taken seriously. One cop I met has been on aas 4 15years, he was at ground zero on 911. A headline like "hero taking aas on 911 backs steroid legalization" would have a huge effect on the debate. Instead we get aas users throwing other aas users in jail for using aas.
                  Great post bro.I agree with you 100%.Thats the problem,EVERYONE is too afraid to speak up.Only the idiots that are making these bullshit laws are the ones talking.All the while drinking,smoking and eating theimselves to death!! These fuckin wastes of life are gonna tell US whats not healthy or fair as they continue to steal money from the tax payers and take their corporate kickbacks???

                  It will only change when people start to say ENOUGH and start to speak up for whats really right.With so much bullshit going on in the world,AAS is the last thing we need to be worrying about!


                  • #10
                    I totally agree innthe sense of it being pretty hypocritical and senseless to say the least and dont get me wrong, I'm not defending anybody that does something like that and then goes out and actively pursues someone else for doing the same thing to get them in trouble. I think what you'd find though is the cops that are using it, would not be the ones looking to bust you or the next guy that's using aas. And if they are, yea fuck them they are piece of shit hypocrites. Most of the time if you read the articles and prior threads, the one big thing that happens to the cops that doesn't happen to the others, is almost all of them get fired. Idk if u know anything about the L/E community but once you got that over yer head, you are fucked.
                    Fair? None of it is fair dude. Life isnt fair.
                    The biggest thing to take from all those articles isn't who did or didn't go to jail but how to avoid getting caught. The #1 way to not get caught is to not be selling the shit to make extra money. Don't even sell the shit to your buddies. It's always the one you wouldn't expect will fuck u over to get put of trouble. Don't talk about the stuff with people.
                    As far as publicly coming out? Ha good luck. Society has persecuted aas users way too long and there has been such a negative campaign against them for so long you'll never change people's minds. Thank professional sports and the grip it holds over people in this country. Then when the athletes get caught they go publicly and say how bad steroids are and how sorry they are for hurting the sport blah blah blah.
                    MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nephilim View Post
                      Don't talk about the stuff with people.
                      As far as publicly coming out? Ha good luck. Society has persecuted aas users way too long and there has been such a negative campaign against them for so long you'll never change people's minds. Thank professional sports and the grip it holds over people in this country. Then when the athletes get caught they go publicly and say how bad steroids are and how sorry they are for hurting the sport blah blah blah.
                      I agree that what you say is true but its also the problem.

                      That argument reminds me of the old potheads, the in the closet fags, and the uncle Tom blacks. The potheads n fags stood up n fought the ridicule and bullshit talking points with facts. Medical pot n gay marriage were not achieved by those who shut up n hide.

                      Im not writing the steroid manifesto and i wont be one of the first to announce what I do, this makes me part of the problem.


                      • #12
                        You n me both bro. The problem is we represent less than 2% of the total population. I think it's total bullshit that a penny of our money is spent on investigation, prosecution and or incarceration. Unless yer caught selling it to minors to make a buck honestly who gives a shit and why? I'm telling you it all revolves around the stupid professional sports. We as a society put so much effort into pro sports and "keeping them honest" that they pass ridiculous laws on everyone. Tell me how many average normal folks like us would get called in to be questioned by the senate over site on professional sports? A: wtf is that? B: why the fuck is my tax money going for something like that? Yet they'll call in wasn't it Barry bonds? To question him about his alleged steroid use and then try to prosecute him for perjury? With attitudes like that, we are always gonna be screwed.
                        MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER


                        • #13
                          Very true - I think bigger stronger faster is the best thing that happened to steroids in a long long time. I gotta applaud those brothers for putting in the time, research and their own storie /experiences out their to be judged. I've shown that documentary to a few close people that know I use and all of them have changed their opinion.

                          If more of us followed their lead shit would start to change.

                          Look at Netflix their r hundreds f documentaries about pot only 1 about aas. Shit needs to change.


                          • #14
                            very nice online games you can play

                            very nice - thanks

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