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The black and white of getting caught...

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  • The black and white of getting caught...

    I ran across this on another forum and figured id post it here...

    The black and white of getting caught.....
    Okay, I had a hard time with the graph that was posted earlier, and this is a site I had gone to a couple of times and read out of sheer curiosity. It is easier for me to see a question and read an answer. The site confirms the .5 ml eqalling a unit, and the one tab being a unit. Also sheds some light on sentance time. All this is subject to change given what you may or may not have been through in the past. If you have a record, you def can be hit hard. Especially if you have 2-3 previous offenses. Around here, 3rd offense is prior and persistent. What that means is that your charge can be enhanced and they can put you away for an additional ten years or better depending on the severity of your offense.

    Anyway, this makes the risk pretty erasily understood. It is more of an add on to a great post from the other brother. Always good to know what can happen to you if you play with fire. Though it is sad that these risks are real, they have to be looked at. This may deter a family man from usage, but what is more important, your pecs or your kids brother?

    Does it matter how much you are caught with?
    Yes. In both state and federal courts, punishment is driven by quantity. In Texas, for example, possession over 400 grams has a possible range of imprisonment of 5 to life. The amounts are counted in units with one pill, capsule, or tablet equaling 1 unit while 0.5 grams of liquid is also equaling 1 unit.

    Are steroids classified the same as illegal drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, pot, etc.?
    All illegal drugs are classed according to legislation, but steroids are prosecuted just like ?harder? drugs and can carry very serious punishments.

    Are federal laws different from state laws?
    Punishments vary in severity on a state to state basis, for example, in Connecticut it?s considered a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail unless near a school, could be additional imprisonment.

    In Arizona however, it?s a felony charge but under a new law some offenders if eligible can get probation with drug treatment instead of prison time.

    Louisiana carries a possible prison term with hard labor for a first offense personal possession charge.

    In Florida and Georgia, the simple possession of any amount is a felony with a sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment.

    In Colorado, using steroids is a misdemeanor but possession is a felony.

    In Alabama it is a felony charge carrying a prison term of up to 10 years.

    Will I be charged in state or federal court?
    In most states, both state and federal laws prohibit anabolic steroids, and a person can be prosecuted under either. In which court the case is brought usually would depend on the agency that made the arrest, and how serious the charge is. If a person is arrested by local police for simple possession (as in a car stop), you are more likely to be charged in state court. If your arrest is made out of an investigation by federal authorities (such as DEA or U.S. Postal Inspector) or you are stopped by U.S. customs at an international airport, you are more likely to be charged in both state and federal court for the same conduct.

    What types of punishments are given for illegal possession of steroids on a federal level?
    Simple possession of any schedule III substance is a federal offense punishable by up to one year in prison and/or a minimum fine of $1,000

    2nd offense?
    Mandatory imprisonment of a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 2 years and a minimum fine of up to $2,500

    3rd offense?
    Mandatory 90 days to a maximum 3 years and a minimum fine of $5,000 for simple possession.

    What about possession with intent to distribute?
    Any case of trafficking (selling or possessing enough to be suspected of selling) is a federal felony punishable with not more than 5 years imprisonment with 2 years parole and a fine of $250,000 if this is the individuals first drug offense.

    2nd offense?
    Maximum 10 years imprisonment with a minimum 4 years parole and/or increased fines

    Is there a different punishment for selling steroids to a minor?
    Yes. The statutory maximum may be doubled if the person distributes steroids to any person under the age of 21, or distributes or manufactures the drug in or near schools and colleges.

    What if the person being charged was a minor?
    Minors in illegal possession of steroids are adjudicated in juvenile courts. If you get charged with possession or use of dangerous drugs as a juvenile, and are convicted, then the adult sanctions don't apply, but the juvenile court can send you to juvenile prison, place you on probation, make you pay a fine, do community service work and attend treatment. Also, the law requires that your driver's license be suspended until you are 18, for ANY drug conviction. This even applies if you don't have a license yet - the suspension is of your privilege to drive.

    What if the minor was charged with intent to distribute?
    Intent to deliver is a more serious offense and has a higher potential range of punishment.

    Do punishments vary according to specific steroids or are they all considered to be in the same class?
    For criminal prosecution purposes, all steroids are in the same penalty group.

    What is getting caught with steroids classified as? (felony, misdemeanor, etc.)
    Due to the weight typically found in a bottle of steroids, most cases are felonies.

    Would it be something that would go to trial?
    Just like any other case, if a criminal prosecution cannot be settled, or, if there are issues as to intent to possess or intent to deliver or other viable defense, yes, these cases can go to trial.

    How long could the trial generally take?
    A trial on a simple possession case can last as little as 2-3 days. A complex conspiracy case can last weeks or months.

    What would the average range of cost be to defend myself?
    Legal fees vary and depend on the experience and quality of the lawyer. The most likely minimum fee for a good criminal defense lawyer would be several thousand dollars and could be much more depending on seriousness and complexity of the case.

    Is probation a possibility in lieu of jail term or fines?
    Probation is an option in most minor possession cases.

    Does this ever come off my record or will it be there forever?
    Criminal convictions stay on an individual?s criminal record for life.

    What rights do I lose after getting caught with steroids while on probation?
    You can lose many important rights like the right to vote and bear arms.

    Are there any long term effects on my rights if I get caught with steroids? For example: Can I carry a weapon or could it affect me getting a job in the future?
    All criminal convictions have an impact on future employment. A felony conviction prevents a person from ever owning or possessing a firearm.

    What are the penalties for manufacturing illegal steroids?
    Penalties for illegal manufacturing of steroids are significant and can be as high as life in prison.

    Is it illegal to be in possession of syringes?
    No, but it could be seen, in conjunction with other evidence, as indication of intent to possess the illegal drug.

    What laws are in place regarding testing for steroids?
    Laws regarding testing vary from state to state, but many states now have mandated drug testing programs as a condition of participation on their athletic programs.

    Is a doctor, coach, or any other individual obligated to report a person to authorities if they test someone positive for illegal steroids?
    Again this varies from state to state, but in most cases doctors do not have to report positive test results for any drug. Coaches may have some duties to report to parents and local school district.

    Can law enforcement monitor your online activity if they suspect you of buying or selling steroids?
    Yes, and they often do conduct on-line stings on purchasers of illegal steroids.

    Can I get into trouble if I buy from an online steroid supplier and their company gets caught? (What happens if I am in their system or on their mailing list?)
    Again the answer is yes, depending on the facts. Although the government would be most interested in prosecuting the company, they could also prosecute the purchaser.

    If my son who is a minor, ordered steroids over the internet and customs seized them what kind of punishment could he face?
    There is no distinction between this scenario and buying them from somebody on the street. It is the intent to purchase the illegal drug that triggers criminal liability.

    Could I as a parent face any charges?
    If a parent had knowledge of their child?s illegal activity, then they too could be considered a party to the offense or subject to allegations of child abuse.

    Could my house get searched if law enforcement suspects me of having steroids or selling them?
    Yes. If the government has probable cause to believe there are illegal steroids in your home, they can get a search warrant to search the house.
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body

  • #2
    Here is what is going to get you caught:
    selling them
    Bragging about them
    Your friends that know about them
    Your pissed off girlfriend/ex wife

    Most agencies are not going to mess around with simple possession. I guarantee DEA doesn't give a shit about possession so much.

    Read the articles about all the people busted and prosecuted. The common theme? Distribution or possession with intent to distribute.

    Moral of the story:
    Keep this shit private and to yourself.


    • #3
      Great read and very sobering. A shame really considering its my body. But that argument holds no water with the man I know. Thanks


      • #4
        pesky ass bodybuilders

