Dammit, yup you guessed it. I did abs last night and I guess I pushed to hard. Now what?? Sigh... the show must go on, just not sure how.... I will need to change me work out plan.
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You where bound to get one picking up fat chicks like ur avatar.
what type of hernia?
some need surgery some don't.
Umbilical not too bad lower down sucks.Last edited by ODB; 06-30-2011, 01:35 PM."GYM + JUICE"
ODB lmao!! Yup I have been hittin the land monsters. Bwaaha ha ha. I'm not sure whats going on. I did an hour and a half of just abs, and at the end I started getting weird pain in the lower left right under my stomach. I felt a little bulging too. Funny thing is it was just my abs??? Mabey on legs day I f-ed it up but only started feeling it when I did my abs? Not sure but I may be exerciseing and lifting a little to much atm. Im going to take today off first day off in at least 2 weeks. Thanks Jimmy.I wont let this slow me down,but I WILL watch it closely.
that sucks bro. wish you a speedy recovery.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Good luck. I had a bilateral hernia and the jernoa wasn't that painful but the healing from the surgery was horrific pain. Worst pain I have ever felt. Im glad I got them both repaired at the same time because if I fixed just one I would have never gone back to fix the other after experiencing the pain from the surgery.
Make sure they give you serious pain killers and stock up.
I had the same shit happen about half a year ago. Trained abs and was leaving, getting into my car. The second I sat down in my car seat. BAM! muscle spasm from hell. Both of my bottom abs locked up on me for about 5 mins. Worse pain Ive ever felt, I could rub the shit out of it and it would go away but then come right back. I was literally screaming in pain in my car lol. Two days later I woke up with a fkn knot in the rim of my belly button. I knew what it was. Saw the dr and they told me not to worry about it unless it really bothers me. I wish I had it repaired because i had insurance at the time. It bothers me pretty often, especially if Im bloated. I can pop it back into my stomach but it eventually comes back out.