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Can Steroids Make You a Superstar? Jose Canseco Said No

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  • Can Steroids Make You a Superstar? Jose Canseco Said No

    The man who exposed the rampant use of anabolic steroids in baseball six years ago now claims that steroids will not make you a superstar. Baseball slugger Jose Canseco revealed in his tell-all steroid books that at least 85% of major league players were using performance enhancing drugs. However, that allegation cost him his job and resulted to being blacklisted in the major league baseball.

    Canseco, who is currently playing in the North American Baseball League, admitted that his decision helped American baseball change for the better. What he has done several years ago was not a publicity stunt and he just wanted to let the fans know what was happening inside baseball and to players just like him. ?I simply wanted my fans and the public to know what happened to Jose Canseco at 35-36, why he couldn?t find a job in baseball, period. I hope and I know that it?s helped Major League Baseball. I know it has helped make it an even playing field now. Hopefully, it saved some kid?s life, (somewhere) down the line,? Canseco told the Edmonton Journal.

    Steroid Books Ruined His Life

    Though Canseco had a good purpose in publishing those steroid books, it was too late for him to realize that it will backfire on him. ?I wish I hadn?t written it, it ruined my life,? Canseco said. Every relationship between players, coaches, and the management were severed because of his revelations. Some of the baseball players he mentioned in the tell-all books were Alex Rodriguez, Mark McGwire, Jason Giambi, Juan Gonzalez, and Rafael Palmeiro.

    The baseball slugger was able to prove that these players really used steroids but his relationship with them also ended. ?I am the guy they hate the most.? He also said that the major league blacklisted him for life. ?There?s absolutely no way I?ll ever get a job,? he said.

    Steroids Are Over rated, It Doesn?t Make You a Star

    The former steroid user claims steroids are overrated. People tend to overemphasize the benefits of steroids in improving the performance of an athlete. Canseco gave as an example the case of his brother who used steroids just like him but never make it to the major leagues. ?He used the same steroids as I did. He did the same workouts as I did, ate the same foods, the same nutrition that I used. He never made it to the big leagues,? he said.

    The slugger however, still admits that steroids help athletes cope up with the demands of the job. Fans and the management forced them to do whatever it takes to perform their best all the times. Canseco claims they are treated as a machine or as a commodity and not as humans. Money also played an important role why professional players take steroids.

    Do steroids really make you a superstar? Canseco answered in the negative. ?Steroids don?t make you a superstar, you make yourself a superstar,? he said.

    The Major League Clean of Steroids

    For Canseco, the major league is now clean of steroids because of effective testing methods. The anti-doping policy of the league is working effectively because of the sanctions imposed on doping players. ?It?s definitely working, and right now, it?s not worth using steroids in baseball,? he added.

    Hitting for Yuma Scorpions

    Canseco already accepted his fate and is contented playing in the minor league. He is acting as the manager and player for the Yuma Scorpions of the North American Baseball League. The team lost in their first encounter with Edmonton Capitals and the former Oakland A?s slugger has yet to hit his first home run this season.

  • #2
    But steroids can make you a Movie star :P
    There is no illegality in glamour world ;]

