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HGH info

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  • HGH info

    What would be the bare minimum you would use with HGH.. What all HGH,IGF,insulin,other gear for a beginners hgh( not a beginner on gear or lifting/diet) cycle. Really lookin to burn fat and lean up. 6' 219lbs around 20% bf

  • #2
    I've been doing a little research on this as well, and depending on what camp you listen to. For fat burning purposes 2iu-4iu daily would be adequate.


    • #3
      5iu-10iu for bodybuilding purposes


      • #4
        on a preliminary note I can tell you this: my wife started an hgh only cycle. She is not a lifter, she's a runner. I started her out at 1/4 iu e/d and every two weeks increasing 1/4 iu until topping out at 2 iu a day. Took measurements of every major spot on her body. She is 38 years old. 5'9" tall and 140#. The impedance scale said 20% bf. She is stuck at a plateau of not losing anymore weight. After the first two weeks of hgh administration at 1/4 iu e/d, and changing nothing else in her diet and routine, she lost 4 lbs in body weight and 1/2 inch on her waist and 1/2 inch around her hips. Neck, arms, legs and chest all stayed the same. This Sunday will be the end of the second two weeks and an increase of 1/4 iu will occur. She did suffer one side effect at the beginning for approximately 9 days and that was really bad itching on her inner thighs and legs. Now its been smooth sailing.
        I will let you know Sunday if there is another marked change again. Once she gets to 2 I/u a day, I'll probably start a log of progress if anyone would be interested. Don't even ask about posting pictures, she would flip the fuck out if she knew I was even posting this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Southern25 View Post
          What would be the bare minimum you would use with HGH.. What all HGH,IGF,insulin,other gear for a beginners hgh( not a beginner on gear or lifting/diet) cycle. Really lookin to burn fat and lean up. 6' 219lbs around 20% bf
          To burn fat, 3-4ius ED (split 2xday) with T3 (50-100 needs to be ramped up and down -be careful) -(insulin is dangerous to fuck with so u can use dextrose shakes).
          start w 2ius ED then after 2-4 weeks bump up .5iu if no sides do another bump (2-4wks) until 3-4ius.

          do a search -Safelife + Sam have a good Threads on here.
          Senior Member
          Last edited by ODB; 06-25-2011, 06:27 PM.
          "GYM + JUICE"


          • #6
            hgh question

            I purchased 1 x 100 I.U Generic blue top HGH 191aa etc. It came with 10 vivals does that mean the vials are 100iu and do I suppose to put 100iu of water in it? Please help me because I'm confused, by the way I have 3/10cc insulin syringes is that correct.


