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My experience and many thanks to you who gave me advice..

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  • My experience and many thanks to you who gave me advice..

    So I am going to pin myself with Test Proponate for the last time tomorrow morning, I had a 16 first ever session coupled with andro.

    My experience?
    First off the Pros:
    -Strength? Within the first 2 weeks. My bench was 185 max by 4 reps, it went up to 235? x 2 sets of 5 on a good day with inclines, and flys..
    -Size I gained some good size, people started commenting about two months in.
    -Feeling? I felt good, energy, confdence all great.
    -Limited acne on shoulders
    -No sensitivity in chest, no boobs, no roid rage as I always thought would happen

    Finish with CONS:
    -My hookup is out of the game, his supplier got pinched
    -I had slight adverse effects to the products
    -Shortness of breath
    -Swelling around the heart, This was the major concern, this caused some chest discomfort.

    What I was doing, decent diet (more good than bad) fish oil 3-4 times a day, baby asprin for pain, multi, recently glutamine and taurine.

    In one week I am going to take Toremifene 1CC 2x a day then another week 1 cc daily till its gone

    Will i go back on? Well I dont know.. The swelling around the heart is a huge red flag, Im actually in a bit of discomfort as I sit here.

    I was taking Test Proponate by seller who labels it "RED DEVIL" I have wondered if it was the product or just me having the adverse reactions.

    I ended up taking 2cc x 3 x a week for the last 4 weeks.
    I want to thank you all for your advice, I welcome any help, I wonder if its just me whos having this adverse reaction, or if its the product. Also Coming off of the cycle I wonder if the Toremifene is enough.

    Thank you

  • #2
    curious. how do u know u have swelling around heart? did u get Ultrasound or MRI ?
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      Couldnt seem to catch my breath for 30 minutes one day, I have a close relationship with my doc, so she saw me and when she listend to my chest she said right above my heart there was a lot of crackling sound she was concerned with. It was directly after my last injection


      • #4
        Hey bro, I appologize, I havent been on a board in a while, so please bear with me here. Are you saying this is your first cycle? 16 weeks? You wrote you did 2cc's 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks. How many mg per cc? You are having heart issues? I know enlarged heart is a side effect. However, I don't understand the cracking thing. Bro, I've done this crap for 15 years, but I've never (knock on wood) had that issue. It may be that you are genetically predispositioned to that certain side effect......or that it was a pre-existing issue barely on the cusp of being discovered by your doc. and the cycle inhanced what was already there. Either way, your heart ain't nothing to play bad women don't know that. But in all seriousness, is any gain worth heart issues of that magnitude? Good luck, I hope all turns out well for you.


        • #5
          No problems prior.

          The bottle states 10 of Test I dont have it infront of me to see the exact details.. But Im really certain the guy said when I was taking 2 CC's it was 600MG


          • #6
            agreed! a few wks of running test isn't going to cause any side effects like you've described in the heart of a normal adult male. if there is a problem, i would have to believe you're predisposed, as horseysause mentioned. and just to echo him, the heart is nothing to mess with. if you're having problems with your heart, you should certainly get to the bottom of it.

            maybe she was wrong...that would be a releif, right! i know that if you've gained a good amount of weight, you'll be holding a fair amount of fluid. whenever i gain a dramatic amount of weight, i always have a hard time breathing. it does make it harder for the heart to work.

            Originally posted by horseysauce View Post
            Hey bro, I appologize, I havent been on a board in a while, so please bear with me here. Are you saying this is your first cycle? 16 weeks? You wrote you did 2cc's 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks. How many mg per cc? You are having heart issues? I know enlarged heart is a side effect. However, I don't understand the cracking thing. Bro, I've done this crap for 15 years, but I've never (knock on wood) had that issue. It may be that you are genetically predispositioned to that certain side effect......or that it was a pre-existing issue barely on the cusp of being discovered by your doc. and the cycle inhanced what was already there. Either way, your heart ain't nothing to play bad women don't know that. But in all seriousness, is any gain worth heart issues of that magnitude? Good luck, I hope all turns out well for you.
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            • #7
              Really strange to hear that you have swelling around your heart..!!
              Do you feel it when you touches below your chest or have you got your Ultrasound or MRI report????
              RANCHO personal trainer

