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Diagnosed with melanoma today. Doctors probably going to take blood tests.

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  • Diagnosed with melanoma today. Doctors probably going to take blood tests.

    Hey guys,

    I'm currently in the middle of a cycle and was diagnosed with melanoma today. I haven't got all the details yet but I believe they will be taking my blood to check for whatever they check for. What should I say if they see my test levels are through the roof? or my lipids are all messed up? I know not to say I am on steroids, I especially won't be able to say this since my mom wants to go to the doctor with me. Should I just say I'm taking a natural test booster? Or even something like epistane or some other PH?

    I guess using tanning beds and laying out in the sun are out of the question now. Sucks...I get really white when not tanning.

  • #2
    Suck it up dude. Tell them the truth. You need to be honest with the doctors so they can treat you properly. You don't want them to misinterpret what they are seeing from your blood work. They'll find out anyhow, your blood will prompt them to do an AAS screen anyway, when they see your test levels out of whack and your LH shut off. If you are fearful of them contacting the police, they cannot. You are protected as a patient by H.I.P.A.


    • #3
      it is confidential.


      • #4
        It's not the police I'm worried about it's getting health insurance later on. I have heard before if you admit to steroid usage health insurance providers can deny you coverage down the line.


        • #5
          admit it to who? a dr can be sued for saying anything you dont want him to. plus they will know when they look at the blood results that your on something. high test, low lh, crazy blood cell count. my friend got sick and went to the hospital, he ended up being dehydrated and had a small kidney infection. his mother was with him and they didnt say anything. but once his mom walked out the dr asked him if he took "steroids" and said he had the typical signs. they told him they know thats the whole reason he was in there and told him to be careful with what he puts in his body
          Pain is just weakness leaving the body


          • #6
            Yea dude, tell your docs the truth. It will be kept in confidence as long as you are not a minor. Call the doctor and tell him without your mom around or something.


            • #7
              just focus on the melanoma mate, it is your health after all! who gives a shit about roids?


              • #8
                You never want to lie to your doctor or lawyer.


                • #9
                  All sound advice bro, Nep hit it straight away.

                  Tell mum to jog on, private consultation or whatever.


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear about the melanoma.

                    The truth is best brother.When it comes to your health,your dr needs to know everything.As the pthers have stated.he is not allowed by LAW to discuss your medical records with anyone including LE.

