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having problem with arms

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  • having problem with arms

    I need some help fellas, I'm on cycle right now, 30mg dbol 6wks 375deca 15wks and test e 500 16wks. My problem is with my arms, particularly my biceps. I don't notice them getn any bigger. I've only been on cycl 4 2wks but evrywhere else is blowing up except my arms. I eat enough but have a very intense heavy lifting repetitive job where I sweat my balls off all day. I mainly use my arms at work and its exhausting most days. I love arm days so I know I'm not slacking. I do something like this- mon. Bis/back tues. Tris/chest weds. Off thurs. shoulders/traps fri. Legs sat. Off sun off. I throw abs in once or wice a week and cardio once a week. I start work b4 the gym opens and by the time I get home I'm beat so its really messing with my energy. I take enough days off throughout the week but I'm not sure if I'm getn the right amount of sleep. On a good day I get 7hrs and normal or bad would b 5 1/2 or 6hrs. I jus can't sleep in long enough even though I'm tired. Do u guys think any of these factors could play. Role in y I'm not seeing more size in my arms?

  • #2
    i smell you.. mine only seem to look bigger when im in the gym.


    • #3
      if its not working change it. Change ur workout, if u go heavy w/low reps try more reps (supersets, etc) also play with ur workout days+muscle groups - shake it up.

      when i don't feel my Bi's getting worked or pumped I will flip my workout do shaping/targeted exercises (like preacher curls) to tire the Bi out b4 ancillary muscles then goto straight bar or ezbar curls.
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        You could be overtraining. If your job is as intense as you say it is it could be a real possibility. Like ODB said, change something you are doing. Play trial and error with your body and with your workouts until you start noticing change/improvement. You could try 2-3 weeks of high rep, low weight, and see how that treats you if you are not already doing it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by IronDeads View Post
          You could be overtraining. If your job is as intense as you say it is it could be a real possibility. Like ODB said, change something you are doing. Play trial and error with your body and with your workouts until you start noticing change/improvement. You could try 2-3 weeks of high rep, low weight, and see how that treats you if you are not already doing it.
          I also thought I may b overtraining. I recently been increasing the weights, but used to do low weight high reps. i jus don't wana waste any time with low weight anymore, I like working out with heavy weights and running 3 sets of 10 for each exercise. Mayb I should try increasing the weight o were I can only do 3-4 sets of 6-8?


          • #6
            Any of you have an android phone with market place? If so, go there search for "Jefit" it's a pretty cool free app that has an ass load of exercises listed out with illustrations for each body part. Last Friday i took 5 totally different exercises off there and did triceps and holy shit they hurt for two days.


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Nephilim;26791]Any of you have an android phone with market place? If so, go there search for "Jefit" it's a pretty cool free app that has an ass load of exercises listed out with illustrations for each body part. Last Friday i took 5 totally different exercises off there and did triceps and holy shit they hurt for two days
              Ya bro I've gota android I'm gona check it out


              • #8
                Need bigger arms? Add Tren.
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                • #9
                  change up your routine alittle, id recommend something pretty similar

                  mon back/traps
                  tues chest
                  wed off
                  thurs legs
                  fri arm and shoulder

                  i prefer something like this bc u get an indirect workout on your bis and tris with your chest and back day, then a direct workout on them fri
                  Pain is just weakness leaving the body


                  • #10
                    I have to agree with everyone brother....change things up.If its not working why keep doing it? My suggestions would be to stop working out!! Take a few days off to let your body rest up.Then come back with a new routine.Try giving arms a training day of their own.Try different types of routines like super sets and drop sets,etc.I posted a good arm workout here that you could try.......... pump and really helps those arms blow up.

                    I cant say it enough,CHANGE is what will always keep you progressing.

                    Also,you said the rest of you has blown up,but remember,at only 4 wks in a lot of this is water weight from the dbol my friend.

                    Good luck with it.Keep us posted with your progress.


                    • #11
                      A routine I started doing by Christian Thibaudeau

                      A1. Thor's hammer 5 sets of 30-45 seconds
                      A2. One-arm hammer curl on the preacher bench 5 sets of 6-8 reps using a controlled speed (not slow, but not fast either)
                      do the Thor's hammer with your left arm, then curl with the left arm, then Thor's hammer with the right arm, then curl with the right arm)

                      B1. Reverse grip low pulley wrist extension 5 sets of 10-12 reps
                      - superset with
                      B2. Reverse grip low pulley curl (same weight) 5 sets of 8-12 reps

                      C1. Wrist curl 5 sets of 10-12 reps
                      - superset with
                      C1. Constant-tension preacher curl (read my training lab on how to do constant-tension curling)... cock your wrist back when doing your curls (imagine Spider man releasing his web) 5 sets of 8-12 reps

                      D. Multi-position one-arm curl (5 reps concentration curl, 5 reps concentration hammer curl, 5 reps standing curl, 5 reps standing hammer curl, 5 reps cross-body curl) 3 sets of 25 reps


                      • #12
                        Another option from Poliquin

                        A1 Close Grip Bench Press with Chains 5 x 4-6 reps on a 50X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds.
                        A2 Rope French Presses 5 x 10-12 reps on a 31X0 tempo, rest 2 minutes.
                        A3 Seated Zottmann Curls with Thick Dumbbells 5 x 4-6 reps on a 50X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds.
                        A4 Scott Curls Narrow Grip with the Poliquin Thick Angled Bar 5 x 10-12 reps on a 31X0 tempo, rest 2 minutes. (using one-and-a-quarter reps in the bottom position)

                        B1 Incline Rotating Thick Kettlebell Curls* 3 x 6-8 reps on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds.*
                        B2 Slow Tempo Eccentric Close Grip Chin-ups 3 x 1 (lowering for 30 seconds), rest 90 seconds
                        B3 Lying Pronating Triceps Extensions with Thick Dumbbells* 3 x 6-8 reps on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds.
                        B4 Slow Eccentric Dips 3 x 1 (lowering for 30 seconds), rest 90 seconds


                        • #13
                          I feel ya....


                          • #14
                            Love this app Been using it since it was droidfit name

                            Originally posted by Nephilim View Post
                            Any of you have an android phone with market place? If so, go there search for "Jefit" it's a pretty cool free app that has an ass load of exercises listed out with illustrations for each body part. Last Friday i took 5 totally different exercises off there and did triceps and holy shit they hurt for two days.

