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Need Advice....Hit Plateau

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  • Need Advice....Hit Plateau

    Ok, I hope I can get some good feeback from here. I am not a newbie to working out. I am 6'2 230 lbs with a 10-12% bodyfat percentage. Just started on a cycle (not my first) 1cc of Test and EQ twice a week and 1 cc of Tren 3 times a week. I have been stuck at 230 lbs for 2 weeks now.

    The supplements I take daily are fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin c, and creatine.

    I workout 6 days a week.

    Monday Chest
    Tuesday Back
    Wednesday Legs
    Thursday Tri's
    Friday Shoulders
    Saturday Bi's

    Workout per body part looks like-

    Superset 2x8
    100 reps light

    I am consuming about 3500 clean carlories a day.

    My goal is to keep bulking until about 250-260 then cut back to 240.

    Any input would be of great help. I have tried to look around on the web with a lot of conflicting information. Also in my gym there is no one I can really talk to.

  • #2
    I subscribe to the Heavy Weight low sets+reps philosophy.But it is very important to change things up....that being said I think to shake things up try this for a month or 2;

    Mon - Chest 3-4 exercises 3 heavy sets x 6-8 reps, Tris 2-3 exercises 3 heavy sets x 6-8 reps.
    Tue - Abs + cardio
    Wed - Back 3-4 exercises 3 heavy sets x 6-8 reps, Bis 2-3 exercises 3 heavy sets x 6-8
    Thur - off or cardio + abs
    Fri - Legs 4 exercises 3 heavy sets x 8-10 reps calveswhatever u like calves can take it
    Sat+Sun -Off -remember ur body grows when it is recovering -resting
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      I try to change routines every 3 weeks, mainly so i don't get bored!
      Weights may go up or down depending on the routine but when i come back to the same i've improved.


      • #4
        Your at 230lbs doing 3500cals, I'm at 200lbs doing 3000cals seems it my be you need to increase your cal intake. jm2c
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        • #5
          I would say your not eating enough! I'm consuming more calories than you and I only weigh 167 lbs right now. I'm eating in between 4500 and 5000 calories a day. Grant it I'm extremely active and burn a lot but to get big you gotta eat big!


          • #6
            Also you said 1 cc but what dosage 250, 270, 300, 400? There are a lot of different ones out there. My current cycle is 750 mgs of test a week and 40 mgs of anavar per day, and my estrogen was high so I'm also doing a-dex .5 everyday and hcg 250 ius twice a week.


            • #7
              Have to agree with the other on this one,if you're taking in olny 3500 cals at 6'2 & 230 you need to up that quite a bit more.Depneding on your outside the gym activity,meaning what you do for your job,and what if any other activities you do .i.e.sports,with working out 6 day a week,you may be burning more cals than your taking in.I posted a good thread about finding out your maintenance calorie range and how to know if you need more cals to grow here........

              Plus like little one stated your dosage may a little low as well.At 1cc you may me grosly underdosing.What are you taking and at what mg?


              • #8
                Yeah ur not eating enough bro I have to eat around 3800-4000 to gain and I'm only 175 . How is the tren treating you?
                You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                • #9
                  Bump the Test to 500 a week. EQ to 600 a week. Tren Ace to 100 ED or EOD. Increase calories by 1000 at least. Make sure the protein intake is up there. Add them up.

                  The training routine could be touched up. You go two 2 days a week 1 for Bi's and 1 for Tri's ... You're hitting everything once a week. You'd be better off combining Tri's and Bi's together and taking that extra day off. I think its pointless to go into the gym just for Bi's alone and Tri's alone. Either split them with a bigger body part or do them together in 1 workout and take an extra day off. Bi's and Tri's you only really need like 3-4 exercises with 3-4 sets each. No reason that both can't be done in the same session. Might be what you need and can make a world of difference.

                  I'd add some BCAA's in the supplements. Increase the water intake. Get plenty of rest. Constantly switch up your workouts. Even if it means one exercise. Bench last sometimes. Do high reps for legs. etc. Just make sure it's not the same workout. same exercises.

                  But in reality... 2 week stuck at a weight is not so bad.
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