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How To Find The Right Help For Your Invention

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  • How To Find The Right Help For Your Invention

    Choosing the right help depends on your invention and you Finding the right help depends on your invention and you. Before seeking help, do an assessment of yourself and your invention so you can target your search and find the right fit for your needs. You may want someone to handle everything for you or may only need help in a few areas. Consider: INVENTION How much commercial potential (is there a strong market)?What technologies and materials?What market?What stage of development? YOU Personal capabilities for engineering, prototyping, patent writing, marketing?Business abilities (sales, leadership, finance)?Financial resources?Goal

  • #2
    When describing invention a number of factors appear that are complementary or dialectic in nature. Invention can be seen as a conscious process trying to solve a problem or trying to understand a phenomenon, experimenting solutions and heuristics to get to a satisfying solution. But inventors report that their most important breakthroughs seem to occur outside conscious awareness and intuitive inspiration and feel for direction are essential. Invention creates a new product or understanding but it is always based on structures of old knowledge. Invention is often a long, gradual process with sudden jumps of insight. It requires hard work and effort as well as letting go and idleness to allow for incubation to help new ideas arise. Ideas can only come up for the first time in one person, but the collaboration and human interaction is vital in promoting invention. On the one hand the inventor has to work purposefully towards a product; on the other hand periods of undirected play and distraction can promote chance findings. Invention seems to result from a special giftedness in some, yet is also an ordinary capacity we all possess.

