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BF% while on gear

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  • BF% while on gear

    i figured i would post this up just to get some opinions here. we all know its not healthy to be juicing while your body fat is condsidered to be high. we all recommend that people with 20+ % should trim down before beginning a cycle. but what do you guys think about all the power lifters who are over 20%? ive only seen a handful of guys on the strong man contest who are lean enough for any of us here to suggest gear. most of them are pretty fat and are juiced to hell and back. ive never really looking into this but figured it would make for a good discussion. what do you guys think about it?
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body

  • #2
    The mirror doesn't ask how much weight I lifted. I could care less how much weight i can lift. I'm going for some quality muscle mass that is cut like a diamond. I personally do not want to look like a power lifter nor do I have any desire to bench press 800 pounds. That being said I have friends that are power lifters and more power to them its just not my cup of tea. As far as cycling if your BMI is high - I personally think health wise its not smart but if the power lifters are gonna power lift they gotta have some help...


    • #3
      Its definitely not the healthiest decision being on gear while being too fat thats for sure.Your arteries have enough strain on them while just being fat and adding AAS can make it far more severe.The cardio vascular health risk associated with AAS is prevelant in obese people more than if you are lean.Yes,there are risks to asnyone using aas,but the risks are 100 fold if you are fat.

      The key to longevity in the AAS game is too maintain a healthy lifestyle,meaning training and DIET.If you follow these things closely,you will make to a ripe old age with no adverse side effects,or at least dramatically lower the chances of having any.

      As for PL's,yes they are juiced to the max,but they are not in their game for a lifetime.Not too many old timer power lfiters out there.Its a pretty short lived career in the way of sports,so I think the short term gains to them are worth it.


      • #4
        If you watch Bigger, Stronger, Faster, they asked Louie Simmons (I am pretty sure it was him) about Smelly, and if he quit juicing in powerlifting, how long could he compete, and he said not long at all.


        • #5
          I know quit a few powerlifters and they are all over 20% bodyfat, I also know that they (powerlifters) seem to always be "on" they never cycle off. Two of the guys I know have serious blood pressure issues and are on meds for it. I don't know why but powerlifting seems to be an unhealthy sport. Shit just benching over 800 lbs can't be good for you, let alone over a 1000.
          Just not my cup of joe, but I do admire the weight they lift, considering I only bench 315. Lol


          • #6
            Originally posted by jockstudfl10 View Post
            The mirror doesn't ask how much weight I lifted. I could care less how much weight i can lift. I'm going for some quality muscle mass that is cut like a diamond. I personally do not want to look like a power lifter nor do I have any desire to bench press 800 pounds. That being said I have friends that are power lifters and more power to them its just not my cup of tea. As far as cycling if your BMI is high - I personally think health wise its not smart but if the power lifters are gonna power lift they gotta have some help...
            true but real life could care less if i have 26 inch arms pumped with synthol with a 95 pound bench press, what are you going to do if you work a real job like police officer, corrections officer, or security guard, take your shirt off rub oil on your body, and do a front double biceps pose or abs and thigh to scare the criminals into complying with you, or maybe watch them roll to the floor laughing, bodybuilding is great in some cases when it comes to increasing endurance, but please don't hate on powerlifters, or what they do, should i remind you that dan lurie, was a great powerlifter/bodybuilder back in the day, mind you he's 86 yrs old today, still training, and looks great, could you or your parents/siblings/grandparents do that? get off the computer, all of you! and experience life the way it was meant to be, FACING REAL LIFE AND SEEING REAL PEOPLE.


            • #7
              Two very different disciplines in the same arena. Two very different net goals. I'm sure a lot of them probably can't understand why bodybuilders would want to spend their life measuring out their food everyday and following ever so strict protocols. Me personally, I can't understand why you'd want to set your ass on the couch all day and watch tv and then try to sue mcdonalds for making you fat. Healthy or not, I wouldn't dog anybody that actually gets their ass out and works, works out etc.


              • #8
                Not hating on PL's at all Karthik. In my post I said I have friends that powerlift and more power to them. I respect anyone who is physcially active and tries to better themselves regardless of age or circumstance.

                Originally posted by karthik View Post
                true but real life could care less if i have 26 inch arms pumped with synthol with a 95 pound bench press, what are you going to do if you work a real job like police officer, corrections officer, or security guard, take your shirt off rub oil on your body, and do a front double biceps pose or abs and thigh to scare the criminals into complying with you, or maybe watch them roll to the floor laughing, bodybuilding is great in some cases when it comes to increasing endurance, but please don't hate on powerlifters, or what they do, should i remind you that dan lurie, was a great powerlifter/bodybuilder back in the day, mind you he's 86 yrs old today, still training, and looks great, could you or your parents/siblings/grandparents do that? get off the computer, all of you! and experience life the way it was meant to be, FACING REAL LIFE AND SEEING REAL PEOPLE.


                • #9
                  i only respect in shape powerlifters. seeing a fat guys moving shit ton of weight doesn't impress me. my buddy that powerlifts used to eat everything in site (like cake frosting out of the container) then he got a girlfriend and decided to eat cleaner and lean up he says he feels better and stronger with a lower BF.

