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Choice between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels

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  • Choice between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels

    Decided to install solar panels on my house, but faced with a choice between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. I would like to know your opinion and experience on this issue.

    From what I've found out so far, monocrystalline panels seem to be more efficient and take up less space, which can be important with limited roof space. They also work better in low light, such as on cloudy days. But from what I understand, they are also more expensive, which is something to consider as well.

    Polycrystalline panels, on the other hand, are cheaper to both manufacture and install. However, their efficiency is lower and they take up more space. On top of that, they are said to have a slightly shorter lifespan.

    What do you think about this?

  • #2
    Oh... I, too, was once puzzled by the choice. In the end I settled on monocrystalline panels, and here's why: I had a limited roof area, so efficiency and compactness were the deciding factors. Yes, they cost more, but their low-light performance makes up for the difference.

    I purchased my panels through the A1Solar Store. They have an excellent selection of both monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, and their experts helped me make the right choice. I am still happy with the result.

    Polycrystalline panels are also good, especially if the roof area allows you to install more panels and you want to save on the initial investment. It all depends on your priorities and capabilities.


    • #3
      I have polycrystalline panels installed. I mainly chose them because of the lower cost, as my budget was limited. I have plenty of room on my roof, so the fact that they take up more floor space was not a problem. Their efficiency is lower, but I'm happy with their performance. They do great on sunny days, and the savings on electricity are noticeable. Of course, monocrystalline panels have their advantages, especially if compactness and high efficiency in low light are important.

