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Depression Hit During Cycle

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  • Depression Hit During Cycle

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    Junior Member
    Last edited by IronDeads; 06-01-2011, 09:34 AM.

  • #2
    I feel you, bro. You just have to be as positive as you can. I know its easier said than done. But surround yourself with good people and things to get your mind off things. And know that everything will fall into place. Don't let anything ruin your gains that you worked hard for or that can be just adding to negatives. Go to the gym and just concentrate on the workout. I use the gym as an escape from life. Hit the weights hard and you'll feel better.

    As far as the girl, I understand and its tough. We have all been there but don't let it take you down as that never solves anything. If its meant to be, it will be. You don't want it to affect who you are and ruin the other things you have going on that are good.

    Stay positive, bro! These things happen. Focus on the good things ... but my main advice is to control it, don't let it control you. Or else its just gonna be a vicious circle.

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    • #3
      Sorry to hear that bro when it hits me like that I take it out in the gym till I can't move my arms or legs go home eat and sleep I haven't started my pct yet but pick your head up bro there's more girls out there I know it's hard and I know losing the weight spent make it anybetter I would hit the gym hard and try to clean your mind for a few hours
      You can't run when the cage door closes !!


      • #4
        i get depressed thru pct everythime regardless what is going on in my life. i always lose appetite and start slacking in the gym. its hard to keep your motivation up when youre coming off the high that aas gives you. its like getting hammered at a party, and trying to keep partying wide open until you are sobered up the next day, lol. it takes alot of determination and drive, theres nothing easy about it. but just keep your head up and focus on yourself right now, do whatever it is that makes you happy
        Pain is just weakness leaving the body


        • #5
          Whenever a chick gets me down I just purposefully try and focus on the bad things about her and find a new chick as quickly as possible... it's hard when they do the leaving, but if you really concentrate I'm sure you can find a few things she did that drove you crazy... the act of being rejected is often harder than the loss of the person... there's a good book on it called The Passion Paradox... it's helped me deal with this type of thing in the past...


          • #6
            Depression is a serious issue bro, regardless of what triggers it you need to make sure you treat it.....I spent 6 months refusing to get out of bed a few years back its not fun please see a doctor don't fuck around with it


            • #7
              I agree. But some mistake the true meaning of depression. The severity of it and just feeling down.
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              • #8
                Face that shit head on.

                Running will make it worse. You just need to take a night off to yourself, and appreciate the times you two shared. If you gotta cry let out.

                Then you start focusing on you, because no one else will. If you feel hurt or jaded, take that into the gym.

                And when you start thinking about her again...go rub one out...seriously. I found this the best way to stop caring about a girl...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by iPenetratah View Post
                  Face that shit head on.
                  ....And when you start thinking about her again...go rub one out...seriously. I found this the best way to stop caring about a girl...
                  Or if you can get to one of her friends even better...


                  • #10
                    The way I see is there's plenty of girls out there u will find the right one for u that's why u gotta hit the gym hard stay looking good so u can get all the women out there just remember one thing girls are just a hole to fill atleast 70 percent of them are they come and they go just do u and u will get by just fine hang out with ur boys go out have a good time pick up some chicks ull forget all about her stay up man live life its to short to stress over a girl


                    • #11
                      All great adice here IronD.

                      Like everyone has said,just try to focus on YOU and not what around you.It damn hard of course,but thats the only way to get past it.As ipenetratah said,HEAD ON!!

                      The woman??What else is new?? Women have been bringing men to their demise as long we have been alive,so nothing new there.If things didn't work out between you 2 then fuck it,it shouldn't be.People lets these misplaced emotions cloud their better judgement. To have feelings for someone that obviuosly doesn't deserve them is a waste of time brother.You have to think of it as "This bitch doesn't deserve me"Life is too short so why waste it someone who just fills a space? Shit for that,go get yourself a hooker.A hell of a lot more enjoyable with no headaches afterwards.She does her job,"Pleasing you" and then leaves.

                      Either way brother,stick to what you enjoy and makes you feel better and let the past be that...PAST.


                      • #12
                        hey bro, i didnt read everyone elses responses, but i feel ya. on top of it, those pct meds can be a bitch. i take nolvadex as well when i come off. it messes with me, but not as bad as clomid. i remember feeling like crying when i watched dramas on tv lol.

                        it'll get better. force feed yourself if you have to. take a bite, chew, mouthful of water, swallow. dont lose your gains over this shit. i'm about to post up a new rodney roller video in the video section. watch it. watch videos like that one. feel inspired and hopefully you can use it all to pull yourself back up sooner than later.
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                        • #13
                          I've been there myself bro and it f__kin sucks. I went from 200lbs to 150lbs in about five months. It took me six month to get out of my shit, but once I figured out what I was doing to myself, I kicked ass and got myself better. So it will take as long as YOU need it to and then you will come back better and stronger Bro, good luck!!!
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                          • #14
                            I had a similar situation happen a few years ago and Im right there with ya man, its tough. I didnt have much of a build when she left me. But I used that as motivation to show her what she was really gonna be missing out on. In the gym, I still to this day think about how she fucked me over and It gives me just that much more motivation to keeping pounding the weights. If you can, just use this as motivation. Like Sam said, forcefeed yourself, drag yourself to the gym and just take your frustration out in the gym man. I hope it all comes around sooner than later for you. But I truely believe that how you handle this and your approach to resolving things will ultimately decide the longevity of this disaster that has happened in your life. Keep your head up.


                            • #15
                              This post has been deleted.
                              Junior Member
                              Last edited by IronDeads; 06-01-2011, 09:34 AM.

