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President Trump???

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  • President Trump???

    Ok guys and girls,lets here it.Who would vote for him if he were to run??

    IMHO,I don't think he could do any worse than what weve had in there already.Maybe its time we got someone other than a lifetime politician in the office.Look at Gov Jesse Ventura,he did a pretty damn good job IMO.Maybe its time we got a cocky son of a bitch in office to take back what the US once was.


  • #2
    We are in debt and big corporate companies like GE and others are not paying taxes and are getting a bonus from the IRS. This could relieve the debt but since the government is in the pockets of the lobbiest and the companies they represent then do you think Donald trump is going to make them pay? No. Thats the problems with GOP they look out for corporate america and dumb f***ing liberals want to save the world with your money. My POV is that left or right they dont give two shits about me and you. Although I would love to see that POS big eared fucking handout numb nut out of office. Im thinking anyone but Sarah Palin.
    Muscles are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Eat big to get big.


    • #3
      Trump definitely has my vote... he's a straight shooter and the only guy I've seen in an interview with the balls to say stuff like "back in the day when you won a war you won a country, the idiots in power now want to give the country back... I say take the oil" (paraphrased of course) ... good man... I was in Iraq for three years pretty much consecutive... I bled for that oil.... take it damnit...


      • #4
        Imo trump would be a perfect for the job he already has money so he's not out to take are money and he knows how to make money and he don't play games


        • #5
          i BUMP for TRUMP


          • #6
            He we will never get elected. It's great in theory but when it comes to election time. You will see the differences.
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            • #7
              I wouldn't go near Trump.

              I am more of a Ron/Rand Paul kind of guy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Liquid View Post
                He we will never get elected. It's great in theory but when it comes to election time. You will see the differences.
                yeah, i get what your sayin.

                im also with iamready,tho anybody that would be a great president,will never be president. but, knowing how they are right now,all the RINO's are out of office,and the new guys knowing what we need to do to get shit done......i think all the GOOD guys have a chance.RAND,Ron,and trup have a great chance and would be great for this country.
                as far as Dbolli, get your shit right dude. the right protects the free market and anybody that gets targeted buy the left...mainly anybody that makes money..AKA..they guys that make you money. when corprate,small,and private business's make money...that means the economy is good and that means more money in your pocket. how? jobs for starters and a stronger $.

                how does that make for a stronger $? well, more jobs means more people working and less people on wellfair,foodsamps,and all the other handout programs tha give sorry fuckers a reason to suck off of me and all the good people out there. that means,less money out that we dont have and more money in and less money printed. of course, that would mean,you cant have a spending drunk hunk of shit president to spend all the extra cash that gets brought in.
                Senior Member
                Last edited by chevy355s10; 04-26-2011, 06:50 PM.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I'm actually a huge Ron Paul supporter... the guy just has no charisma so I highly doubt the "ignorant masses" who are easily swayed by emotional statements and rhetoric will ever vote for him... he doesn't play that game so he can't get through to the "feelers" unfortunately....

                  Now Trump with Ron Paul as a VP would be a definite winning combo... trump is the face man with charisma Ron Paul the statesman and objectivist to level him out...


                  • #10
                    Wow,lots of great feedback here guys.

                    Now in regards to what dboli said,true Donald is a"big corporate" type so one could lean toward him not giving a shit about us,the small guys so why would he make them pay.But on the other hand,he's made his billions already and doesn't need to take thiers to sway him.Also,what politician that gets elected plays it staright and doesn't take lickbacks?None maybe? So who would be tempted to take more a self made billionair or some politically bred and raised person that knows the political game and how to manipulate it?

                    The real sad thing and main issue imo is that no matter who gets eleceted president,it all comes down to what congress allows to happen.Everyone presiential candidate goes in promising tons of great things only to have none of them happen and then they blame it on congress.I think the real solution would be booting the fat bastards on congress and getting some fresh faces in there.Some un-corrupt(for however long that would last) people in there that go along with the president and not against him.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by F.I.S.T. View Post
                      Wow,lots of great feedback here guys.

                      The real sad thing and main issue imo is that no matter who gets eleceted president,it all comes down to what congress allows to happen.Everyone presiential candidate goes in promising tons of great things only to have none of them happen and then they blame it on congress.I think the real solution would be booting the fat bastards on congress and getting some fresh faces in there.Some un-corrupt(for however long that would last) people in there that go along with the president and not against him.
                      I think Ron Paul would be a good fix for this... he's a true Statesman and Constitutionalist... he wouldn't let them pull their constitution bending BS... If he were the big man I get the feeling he'd use his executive powers for the true good and stop all their loop hole hunting and reinterpreting...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by atavist View Post
                        I think Ron Paul would be a good fix for this... he's a true Statesman and Constitutionalist... he wouldn't let them pull their constitution bending BS... If he were the big man I get the feeling he'd use his executive powers for the true good and stop all their loop hole hunting and reinterpreting...

                        This may be so.You never know.Its just getting all the corrupt people out of the way is the real problem.

