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Ideas for the next run

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  • Ideas for the next run

    Heres the line-up of players I would like to know how you would run this cycle and at what doses??

    Test Cyp, T3, sustanon 400, Deca, Eq, Tren, Dbol and GH.....How would you stack it and at what levels would you run your stack and why......Theres no right or wrong answer here I just want to see the variety of stacks and amounts you would run.........which ones would you leave out or switch up....The length is open ended there is no time frame for this

  • #2
    Ok what you think about this
    1-6 anadrol 50 mgs a day
    1-14 test c 600mgs a week
    6-10 tren a 300 mgs a week
    You can't run when the cage door closes !!


    • #3
      Originally posted by limo View Post
      Heres the line-up of players I would like to know how you would run this cycle and at what doses??

      Test Cyp, T3, sustanon 400, Deca, Eq, Tren, Dbol and GH.....How would you stack it and at what levels would you run your stack and why......Theres no right or wrong answer here I just want to see the variety of stacks and amounts you would run.........which ones would you leave out or switch up....The length is open ended there is no time frame for this
      Are you saying with ALL of this or pick and choose from that list?


      • #4
        Originally posted by F.I.S.T. View Post
        Are you saying with ALL of this or pick and choose from that list?
        I'm saying that is the lineup that you have on hand, now design what you think is the best cycle from those compounds....whats gonna give you the best shot at putting on the most muscle


        • #5
          Got ya.

          I have no experience with T3 or GH so I wont comment on them but for the rest I like to go with this............

          Wks 1-16 Sust 800 mg ew
          Wks 1-6 dbol @ 50mg ed
          Wks 1-15 EQ or Deca @ 600mg ew
          Wks 8-16 Tren 60mg every 3 days

          I would also throw in adex @ .25mg ed

          Great results with this cycle.Or at least thats what I heard.LOL


          • #6
            I like those numbers very close to what i was thinking, now you add 6iu's ed growth and some T3 and weeeeeeeeeeee


            • #7
              Originally posted by limo View Post
              Heres the line-up of players I would like to know how you would run this cycle and at what doses??

              Test Cyp, T3, sustanon 400, Deca, Eq, Tren, Dbol and GH.....How would you stack it and at what levels would you run your stack and why......Theres no right or wrong answer here I just want to see the variety of stacks and amounts you would run.........which ones would you leave out or switch up....The length is open ended there is no time frame for this
              Dbol 40-50 mgs. a day ( 4-6wks.)
              Test cyp. 750mgs. a week ( preload if desired) (12-14 WKS.)
              EQ. 600mgs. a week (12-14 WKS.)
              Tren..400mgs. (12wks.)
              I'm doing Growth at 5-6 ius. a day ( min. 6 months)
              Just save the Sust. and deca for a rainy day!!!!!


              • #8
                Well my current cycle incorporates Alot of those so. B b b.
                Sust and prop total 800 1-16
                Eq 600 1-16
                Npp 375 1-7
                Drol 100 1-5
                If u want Winnie or some other oral 10-16 I'm soon winy


                • #9
                  cyp 750 1-14
                  eq 600 1-14
                  dbol 50 1-4
                  tren 300 5-14
                  t3 25 5-14(maybe taper up alittle depending on bf)
                  hgh 6iu 1-14(and ramping up the iu's as much as financially possible)
                  Pain is just weakness leaving the body


                  • #10
                    The Tren is Tren E and no anadrol lifestyle...its not in the group gotta work with whats in the everyones so far not bad....

