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Figured I'd share....

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  • Figured I'd share....

    I been on Equipoise (400mg a week) test suspension (75ish ED) for one week now, just did 2nd week shot. Feeling great, but anywhat what I wanted to share... Really funny.... My friend been on gear like 3 weeks ahead of me on Deca and A-Bomb. He finished A-Bomb and still on Deca. Started on Sustanon. He been making fun of me limping from TS injection. Then later, made fun of me on my shoulder injection. Ya know how test suspension is... I decided.... To show him how it really like. I dared him to take a shot with me on forearms. One night one forearm then next night on other forearm. He agreed thinking it's gonna be nothing to him. I kept laughing in my mind all day looking forward to hear his reaction on it next day. So I gave myself 75mg on my forearm then gave him my gear to do it himself. He couldnt stand looking at it and give himself a shot on his forearm. So I gave him a shot. Next day, he texted me cursing and saying how hurt it is... We worked on forearms that night and next. LOL, I gave myself another shot on my other forearm. I told him to take another one on other forearm and be man. He was like, f**k this, get this over with it. His forearm was all swollen and hanging out like wasp stung his forearm. too funny. Now yesterday morning he cursed saying that 2nd forearm are worse than first one. I asked him today if he's up for another one after I gave myself a shot on my calf. He was like f**k no, I'm happy with my Sustanon....
    Just is too funny... Thought I'd share that with ya guys...
    I'm gonna get Sustanon to take over after I run out of Test Susp. Got 2000mg left.

  • #2
    WTF? I've never ever heard of anyone pinning in their forearms or calf before, I've done shoulders, glutes, and quads, even heard of pecks, but never the smaller muscles!


    • #3

      Go to bottom and look at "spot injection" it'll explain better than I do. I've heard of some guys injects test susp in their BI/TRI before. I just cant image myself giving myself a shot in my BI, forearm's more comfortable for me.

      I'd recommend to anybody to stick with Sustanon or whatever that you only need one or two shot a week over test susp ED/EOD. It does suck but I get over it and used to it in some way.

