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Whats the facts

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  • Whats the facts

    Listen, first off I'm not pointing any fingers...shit happens. Second, I've been around so don't try and BS me. Third, this isn't my first rodeo...Ok....... why is it that we are having the kinds of problems we are having here??? This forum was supposed to deliver no-nonsense information and offer access to legit products at a low price. Now we have members questioning the quality and the time (not just one member but many) it takes to get what they ordered.....I don't understand why these members are being singled out for banning?? If someone ordered from this sponsor and got junk gear he should be able to voice that complaint in the forum..... isn't that what we're all about?? Because if I'm mistaken and this is just another location to screw guys over then ban my ass right now because i don't want any part of this

  • #2
    If by chance these things are going on then Its up to the members and mods to report and fix the problems....I know the mods can't fix oversea problems but I'm sure they can look into it for us.. And I would also agree with not banning a member if indeed he's telling the truth.. That being said we are all here as a small family to look out for one another so.... if one posts they are having trouble and not receiving their gear with labels then I'm sure a rep here can contact a rep there and fix these issues... We shouldn't ban anyone for a negative review.. We can have the good and bad and still maintain a classy forum... Thanks..


    • #3
      safe justposted in the sponsor forum all those concerned go look at it


      • #4
        Not good to hear this. I believe that JM and its sponsor are not like the majority of sites out there and I hope this issue is resloved A.S.A.P.!!


        • #5
          I'm with limo and mbig if I get vials ith no labels and written in with a sharpie u best believe that I'm gona b fuckn pissed! And if this is the case then we all should get 2gether, make an agreement, and not buy from them nemore. But since I don't have my gear yet I'm gona trust that they r doin their job and actually lookn out 4 us. I hope this isn't true and hope naps makes things right cuz I enjoy their products. Like I said b4 if they do me wrong I'm gona voice it but if they do me right ill b a lifelong customer. So please give thm a chance to fix it be4 freakn out. And people getn. Banned over a neg post? That's bs! We should b allowed to voice r opinions. I don't see how u can ban some1 jus cuz they got screwed by the sponser. That's not right at all

