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what should i do about this

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  • what should i do about this

    So I'm laid off rite now and my girl got me and her a side job to make some extra cash. Me and her worked for this guy for 3 days and he said he was gona pay us everyday and then didn't. He did give us $100 but then said we'd get the rest wed(today) and he's not returning my calls or my girls so it makes me think he's fuckn me over. Wat should I do guys? I'm really thinking if he don't pay me 2 break his fuckn jaw! He owes us $420 and I hav no clue wat 2 do. Wat would u guys do. It was under the table so no taxes takin out. It was supposed 2 b a personal check. I'm about 2 fuck this guy up
    Last edited by graffix; 04-14-2011, 01:13 AM.

  • #2
    I wait and let him think he got me.....just wait like 6 months and if he hasn't made it right then pose the same question


    • #3
      If you dont already know where he lives - find out. Make sure he knows you know where he lives and ask him if the $420 is worth having to look over his shoulder every time he comes and goes. Chances are he'll be more than happy to pay up. Good luck!


      • #4
        I wouldnt make any threats .. voicemail ect.. play it cool wait a few days.. and then u gotta show up at his house. and take it from there


        • #5
          Bottom line.... You need to get your money..... Find out where he lives and make a house call!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by limo View Post
            I wait and let him think he got me.....just wait like 6 months and if he hasn't made it right then pose the same question
            Becareful asking limo... He'll shoot the sombi*ch.... lolololololololol


            • #7
              I think I'm gona wait for him to leave work someday this week and see where he lives. He's got this badass truck so I think I can make him pay unless he wants cocksucker spray painted on his car with bashed out windows and flat tires. Then the next day ill go see him at work and act like nothing happened. This fuckers in 4 it


              • #8
                Man go grab that bitch by his hair drag him out to the street tell him to bite the curve and kick that fucker in the back of the head !!!!!
                You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                • #9
                  If you know his name and if he owns a house, you can acquire his address off of the assessors parcel map.


                  • #10
                    Give him til the weekend. Just incase he has a genuine reason.... Still no response...Then F*ck him up.


                    • #11
                      Play it straight 1st - tell him you are going to notify the State, the labor board and Workers compensation. if he was paying u under the table he could be fined serious dough.

                      if that don't work all above advice sounds good. remember no witnesses, no evidence.
                      "GYM + JUICE"


                      • #12
                        I went through this before the only thing I did is went to the police they threatend him he came up with the money and I was under the table to no violence u don't want that its not worth it its like this jail time for 420$ or money and walk away its up to u cause u do anything to him I'm sure he will have u in cuffs imo


                        • #13
                          Ya ur probly rite m2j but I jus can't tolerate scumbags. I'm gona wait a few days like juiceduk said and if that dosent work then ill hafta resort 2 plan b. Id b more than happy 2 go 2 jail for a few days if this fucker learns his lesson but I ju don't wana get a felonious assualt charge and hafta do months/years. My record already sux as is so I'm sure they'd put me in there 4 a while


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by whosmike View Post
                            If you know his name and if he owns a house, you can acquire his address off of the assessors parcel map.
                            Really? Tell me more about this. Do I jus type in assessors parcel map and itl take in the rite direction? Then put his nme in?


                            • #15
                              graffix if you find out were he lives and then show up one day and ask him "by chance can you pay me today" that alone might be enough to scare him, knowing you know were he lives. If not do it the right way and go to court or the law, you don't need to be like cage. jm2c

