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16 year old kid on gear!!! WTF

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  • 16 year old kid on gear!!! WTF

    I when to my gym yesterday was doing chest and tris just killing it then this kid walked up and started talking to me about about football and wanted to get in to Mma then he tells me that he just started gear because he was small his dad put him
    On them get this is the cycle
    1-6 dbol 50! A day
    1-12 test e 600 mgs a week
    1-12 deca 500 mgs a week
    6-12 winny 75 eod
    The I asked what is your pxt look like he said what is that? WTF what dad puts his son on gear at 16 and that's slot of gear anyway I told him to stop taking that stuff it will mess you up being so young . What a bad dad
    You can't run when the cage door closes !!

  • #2
    wow that shocking!! to tell your kid to go on gear at any age is bad, i mean like its up to the kid but at 16!! but also his dad ovs don't know whats going on because thats a big cycle for a first time imo also what's a pct.... you done the right thing to tell him to stop but he will probs just take it because his dad is probably pinning him.


    • #3
      His dad got the gear for him the kid is 5-9 145 pounds I asked was his dad there so I could talk with him about this he said he will be there wen so I'm going to talk to him about this the kids ass hurt so bad from the shot he couldn't do a ab workout
      You can't run when the cage door closes !!


      • #4
        its a bit messed up that like all the kid needs to do is eat more and train hard, i guess at 16 he's not been training long enough to take aas aswell


        • #5
          By the way he was working out he didn't know what he was doing and I'm sure his dad is a walking dick to
          You can't run when the cage door closes !!


          • #6
            Yeah thats rough man, i had a kid at Golds Gym when i trained there he was only 17 and he had already started on Insulin..... and he was talking to me about it and telling me I needed to get on it right away....I was like yeah O'k.......... that was when i was 28 I often wonder what that kid looks like today


            • #7
              Cage Just don't go all Walmart on the Kids Dad
              "GYM + JUICE"


              • #8
                Lol no more fighting for me bro I think I may just stay out of it I do have a prob with people getting all in my face I have a 3 foot rule haha
                You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                • #9
                  I shall its bad not good that you are saying yourself a kid and you joined the Gym
                  On the whole your work out routine is good.I think you have to wait till 18 to join the Gym.
                  Ceylon Tea


                  • #10
                    bad news, but that's a pretty good cycle if I may say so (just not for a 16 year old.) Keep us posted on his progress, thanks cage.
                    Founder of M.A.A.D.

                    Free Your Mind


                    • #11
                      Will do I'm going to gym tonight I know he will be there
                      You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cage fighter View Post
                        Will do I'm going to gym tonight I know he will be there
                        You gonna have a sit down with the kid's dad and give him a piece of your mind? hahaha
                        Founder of M.A.A.D.

                        Free Your Mind


                        • #13
                          Lol no I think I'm going to keep my mouth shut on this one I hope the kid good luck
                          You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                          • #14
                            U should ask to see his gear and steAl it be bOth urselves a favor


                            • #15
                              Lol that's fucked up dude haha I'm going to tell him tonight that it will make your dick very small lol
                              You can't run when the cage door closes !!

