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Usually they have different level beds, if you are fair skinned then start out like only 3 minutes the first time. I'd go everyday the first week or two if you can swing it.. Then just slowly increase the time....level 4 beds are the strongest so u wouldn't want to go 3 minutes in that bed the first time, it'd be like 10 minutes in a level 1 and you'll be torched. If you do it that way, you should be able to get a decent base by the first week while u keep increasing the time or level bed. If you are really fair skinned then you might want to remember the freckle factor to.MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER
Originally posted by BLUELABEL View Postlol any tips tho for a fair skin person on what i shuold do how long type idk anythin about it. and the people that work at those places dont even have a IQ so i dont trust them?I dont believe in an eye for an eye, I believe in two eyes for an eye? ? Bas Rutten
Getting sexual he says lol. Nah, I feel you bro. During the winter I get pale, that's the Russian and German in me. The Spring, Summer, and Fall is when the Italian skin tone reigns supreme.
I used to hit the booths but I stopped because I prefer the tan you get naturally from the sun. My When it's warm and sunny enough I get out my adjustable lounge chair and tan in the sun. My deck is in the backyard and away from prying eyes so I can strip down naked without fear of some fuck peering at me from the bushes. I start usually in April and by June I got a sick tan for the beach. I do my frontside and backside for an hour each.Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.
i am super pale if i dont tan and when i stop, my tan is gone within a shirt time. i also burn easliy. if it's been a long since i tanned last, i will go into a level 1 bed for 8-10minutes and build up by no more than 2 minutes per session. keeping your skin moisturised is the key to having healthy skin with tanning beds. thats mainly what the tanning bed lotions are for, moiture retention. i've used a couple different tanning lotions by protan, the same company that makes the instant competition color i use for competing. i've liked them a lot. stay away from the stuff that you see at the grocery store for $8. stay away from the intensifiers, lotions that are designed to make your skin tinghle or get warm. shit is no joke for people with pale, sensitive skin. and whatever you do, don't over do tanning. it is bad for your skin and can cuase cancer.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE