What is ideal testosterone levels to best promote muscle growth and minimize side effects? Pre gear, I was 394 test and 104 free testosterone. After 500mg of Enath testosterone a week for three month cycle, I was at 2577 test / free test 1117. Which seemed too high. Has anyone carefully monitored your test levels with muscle growth. I had a really bad crash after stopping test for a month, then recovered. I tried some pct, but no HCG. I was very happy with the moderate results, but the crash was brutal. I was thinking about staying in a normal high range of 1,200 test levels for 2 month, starting with a 20mg kick of turan for the first month. Hoping that will minimize the crash. Any advise will be greatly appreciated, I just can't go through the low libedo I experienced with the crash again. That sucked, big time. I also want to minimize the different substances I use.
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Forgot to mention....this was my first cycle and I'm 44. Its been difficult for me to gain muscle my entire life. I'm guessing my test levels have always been low.
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Forgot to mention....this was my first cycle and I'm 44. Its been difficult for me to gain muscle my entire life. I'm guessing my test levels have always been low.