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Trump going to win this thing!!!!!!

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    Junior Member

  • nulosamo
    It seems to me that he would be more interested in general conversation.

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  • tecsonmarice
    Junior Member

  • tecsonmarice
    사람들은 온라인 비디오 게임을 좋아합니다.온라인으로 방문하기 때문에카지노 사이트 성인이 선호하는 카지노 게임을 할 수 있습니다.

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  • RTNix

    Whos out working and putting up the lines? Im going out this weekend to get started. Cant wait to try some new things and see what happens.

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  • John B.
    Senior Member

  • John B.
    Donald Trump is Eye Candy? He strikes me as more of a General Chat kind of guy.

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  • XJCasper

  • XJCasper
    Originally posted by stallion View Post
    Meh, the Clinton machine has never faced anyone that fights back as hard as Trump does. They had no answer when Donald started talking about Bill's abuse of women. Nobody's ever done that to them before. That issue has always been off limits to the Republican Establishment. It should be interesting...
    LOL... Yup, This could be the most entertaining year in American politics...

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  • stallion
    Senior Member

  • stallion
    Originally posted by Jimrat View Post
    If Trump wins the Republican nomination, Hilary will will humiliate him in the debates. Kasich can debate her and win.
    Meh, the Clinton machine has never faced anyone that fights back as hard as Trump does. They had no answer when Donald started talking about Bill's abuse of women. Nobody's ever done that to them before. That issue has always been off limits to the Republican Establishment. It should be interesting...

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  • RonnyT
    Senior Member

  • RonnyT
    replied be continued...

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  • Jimrat
    Junior Member

  • Jimrat
    If Trump wins the Republican nomination, Hilary will will humiliate him in the debates. Kasich can debate her and win.

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  • XJCasper

  • XJCasper
    Originally posted by MrBig View Post
    The way I look at it is, he's not a politician trying to steal my money, he has his own. Lets see what he can do, we need change in this country, which is going to hell fast. How much worse can he make this country??? This might be the change we need. I say give um a chance. If he's that bad, we impeach him, that's all.
    Works for me...

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  • MrBig
    Senior Member

  • MrBig
    The way I look at it is, he's not a politician trying to steal my money, he has his own. Lets see what he can do, we need change in this country, which is going to hell fast. How much worse can he make this country??? This might be the change we need. I say give um a chance. If he's that bad, we impeach him, that's all.

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  • jc#9
    Junior Member

  • jc#9
    fact honest and politics do not go together sad to say.

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  • XJCasper

  • XJCasper
    Originally posted by RonnyT View Post
    My opinion.. why can't you get honest reliable candidates,
    There is no such thing....
    If you find one, invite me to your utopia.

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  • ODB
    Senior Member

  • ODB
    Trumps a Cocksucker - guys got no balls - tells people what they want to hear- (which has him flipflopping more than pancakes), never worked his ass off for anything, NEVER SERVED and doesn't pay his bills - (goes Bankrupt so he doesn't have to pay).

    - But all the Candidates Suck.....except maby Bernie

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  • RonnyT
    Senior Member

  • RonnyT

    Originally posted by XJCasper View Post
    Every time he pulls it balls out, the media attack. I am thinking we are screwed, no matter what.
    My opinion.. why can't you get honest reliable candidates, that don't wanna throw bombs on whatever country for whatever reason.
    Attached Files

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  • XJCasper

  • XJCasper
    Every time he pulls it balls out, the media attack. I am thinking we are screwed, no matter what.

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