Does anyone here think smoking pot is considered healthy or provides medical benefit?
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A Doobie...I mean Newbie Question!!
I smoked for 16 yrs and I feel it made my workouts fly by and shoot my apetite shoot through the roof but breathing wise I was f#@ked up. Everyone has their own beliefs but I really loved to smoke and I did throughout the day and we're talking about a qp of the dank a week! I believe for some aspects of health issues it may have some benifits but for weight training I couldn't be so sure. Plain and simple bro its too demonized to be properly tested in a lab. I don't smoke anymore and I miss it sometimes but once I added juice to the mix I wondered why I wasted time or money on anything else, besides I am a medical professional and peoples lives are in my hands. One thing I know for sure is it does effect your learning capabilities and memory retention but it sure does make video games fun as hell! So if you're juicing I'm sure it will out weigh whatever detrimental effects MJ is dishing out.
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Yes it has many medical benefits. I have a son that suffers from seizures. The medications that the doctors were giving him made him feel like shit. The side effects
were awful for him. He discovered that smoking pot stopped the episodes. So much so that he stopped what the doctors were giving him and now has
a normal life for the most part. If I didn't see it for my self I would say he was full of shit. So yes in my eye's it has medical use.Building my self for a better tomorrow.