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Midsection Hypertrophy

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  • Midsection Hypertrophy

    Hey boys, so lately I've been putting a lot of attention of my midsection which is extremly well defined but, it's lacking the the "pop" muscles should have so to speak. My ab complex is
    Traditional Situps 4x50
    EZ bad Pull Over 4x10
    Ab Wheel Roll outs 4x6
    Lying Leg Raises 4x6
    Dumbbell Side Bend 4x20

    Do you guys have any reccomendations on some excercises or tips to increase abdominal hypertrophy?
    “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight.”-Ronnie Coleman

  • #2
    I like lying leg raise with a 10 or 15lb dumbell in between my feet
    I like doing sit ups on the big ball with a 10lb wieght in each hand when i come up i throw a slow punch across my body
    I find you have to add weight to get the abs to pop outta ur skin
    And low low sodium


    • #3
      My favorite 3 are hanging legs raises decline sit ups with a 25lb plate and rope pull downs from your knees I usually superset it too
      One decision determines your legacy


      • #4
        Thanx guys, i think I'll add some weighted leg raises and i'll do weighted lying leg raises instead also. I have a pretty nice mdsection it's just extremely flat which i feel like is unimpressive. funny thing i brought it up to a freind of mine and he mentioned decline situps as well so i think i'll start doing those also. I can never quite get the form down to do the cable machine ab pull downs
        “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight.”-Ronnie Coleman


        • #5
          If your doing many reps, several times a week it may not give you the results you want. The abs are muscles just like all your other muscles. If your looking to make them actually grow, or stick out more it may take lower reps, heavier weight and not more than once a week. Be careful working the obliques. You may not want them to grow because it will give you a bigger waist. Personally I think building a good mid section comes from heavy compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, etc where your supporting all that weight with all your stabilizer muscles. As far as going crazy with crunches, situps for 50 or 100 reps, as hard as it is to do, it does more bad than good if your looking for a bodybuilders look. Just my opinion. Check out what the pros say on youtube, internet etc.


          • #6
            Yeah paulich is right on the money I've noticed my abs thicken tremendously from doing 3 sets of 15 as heavy as I can. I think you get enough oblique work from the pull downs also, but you defiantly don't want to do weighted oblique exercises due to thickening of the waist
            One decision determines your legacy


            • #7
              So i added the weighted decline situ ups and the weighted lying leg raises and i must say post excercise my abdominal had the same "pump" my arms would have so i would chalk that up as a posotive addition thanx guys.
              @Paulich i do abs every monday and thursday, and do situp variations on saturdays seems to work pretty well for me
              “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight.”-Ronnie Coleman

