Scrambled Eggs with Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant benefits. And since turmeric, especially when raw, does not add much flavor, I throw a little bit of turmeric into a lot of different recipes!
And when I add turmeric, I always add freshly ground black pepper. That’s because black pepper facilitates the body’s absorption of turmeric. And you have to absorb the nutrients in food before you can benefit from the nutrients!
I buy fresh turmeric from my local health food store or Asian market. Then I peel, chop, and freeze the turmeric in thin layers between parchment paper. Later when I need some fresh turmeric, I reach into the freezer and just break off a piece of turmeric!
1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
6 eggs (or 3 whole eggs and 3 or 4 egg whites)
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh or frozen turmeric (or 2-3 teaspoons dried turmeric)
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onion
3 tablespoons chopped parsley (curly or flat leaf)
salt, if desired
In a medium-size bowl, mix the eggs; set aside.
Add the olive oil to a 10-inch, non-stick pan, and then heat over medium heat. When the pan is hot, add the fresh, frozen, or dry turmeric to the pan.
Pour the eggs (or eggs and egg whites) into the pan with the turmeric. Using a spatula, stir to mix the turmeric with the eggs. Sprinkle the eggs with freshly ground black pepper and stir to mix. Turn the heat to medium low and let the eggs cook a little bit. Then stir as needed. When the eggs have cooked a bit but are still watery, sprinkle with the green onions and parsley. Stir to mix. Add salt, if using. Continue cooking until the eggs are no longer runny.
Personally, I tweaked my diet for years to keep my blood cholesterol level really low. Back in 1989, I even co-authored the recipes for the first edition of the American Heart Association’s Low Fat Low Cholesterol Cookbook! For that cookbook, we limited egg yolks and drastically cut the fat, especially saturated fat.
I don’t eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet any more! Why not? Because there is increasing evidence that eating a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet – which by definition must be a high-carbohydrate diet – is not good for health and does not prevent heart disease.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant benefits. And since turmeric, especially when raw, does not add much flavor, I throw a little bit of turmeric into a lot of different recipes!
And when I add turmeric, I always add freshly ground black pepper. That’s because black pepper facilitates the body’s absorption of turmeric. And you have to absorb the nutrients in food before you can benefit from the nutrients!
I buy fresh turmeric from my local health food store or Asian market. Then I peel, chop, and freeze the turmeric in thin layers between parchment paper. Later when I need some fresh turmeric, I reach into the freezer and just break off a piece of turmeric!
1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
6 eggs (or 3 whole eggs and 3 or 4 egg whites)
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh or frozen turmeric (or 2-3 teaspoons dried turmeric)
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onion
3 tablespoons chopped parsley (curly or flat leaf)
salt, if desired
In a medium-size bowl, mix the eggs; set aside.
Add the olive oil to a 10-inch, non-stick pan, and then heat over medium heat. When the pan is hot, add the fresh, frozen, or dry turmeric to the pan.
- If using fresh chopped turmeric, sauté the turmeric in the oil briefly. Then spread the turmeric around the pan.
- If using frozen chopped turmeric, add it to the oil in the pan and let it defrost. Then spread the turmeric around the pan.
- If using dried turmeric, add it to the oil in the pan and quickly move on to the next step.
Pour the eggs (or eggs and egg whites) into the pan with the turmeric. Using a spatula, stir to mix the turmeric with the eggs. Sprinkle the eggs with freshly ground black pepper and stir to mix. Turn the heat to medium low and let the eggs cook a little bit. Then stir as needed. When the eggs have cooked a bit but are still watery, sprinkle with the green onions and parsley. Stir to mix. Add salt, if using. Continue cooking until the eggs are no longer runny.
- Eggs – As we all know, eggs are high in cholesterol and foods high in cholesterol may raise your blood cholesterol. But is having a high, but not very high, blood cholesterol a risk factor for cardiovascular disease? Some researchers and doctors think it is. Some think it’s not.
Personally, I tweaked my diet for years to keep my blood cholesterol level really low. Back in 1989, I even co-authored the recipes for the first edition of the American Heart Association’s Low Fat Low Cholesterol Cookbook! For that cookbook, we limited egg yolks and drastically cut the fat, especially saturated fat.
I don’t eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet any more! Why not? Because there is increasing evidence that eating a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet – which by definition must be a high-carbohydrate diet – is not good for health and does not prevent heart disease.
- Black pepper - While it doesn’t make a difference nutritionally, I really like Penzeys Spices Special Extra Bold® Indian Black Peppercorns.
- Turmeric – Penzeys Spices is a good source for high quality, low-cost dry powdered turmeric.