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Gathering Information on Testosterone Boosters - Looking at iSatori Sub-Test

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  • Gathering Information on Testosterone Boosters - Looking at iSatori Sub-Test

    Hey everyone,

    I am a 1/2 Ironman finisher and did strength training the entire time to protect a neck injury but all of that is boring. I went to GNC to see what testosterone boosters are out there to help me build mass post triathlon. I am lifting heavy and rock a good amount of protein directly after lifting (and I mean eating a bar after my last set). But I want to get bigger gains without going supplement crazy. I am going to up my protein and I repair very quickly on my own so I want to see what a testosterone booster will do.

    Went to GNC and the rep advised Sub-Test, said he tried it and loved it. I dont really use the advice of anyone in a store, I want to hear advice from those who have real expirence, anyone try this stuff? How well does it work?

    Any advice is much appreciated. I am asking on a few other forums too, if I get any good feedback, I will share, thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I tried Test X-180 made by Force Factor the end of last year. Didnt see much size difference but my weight in each set went up pretty decent. May have been all in my head but it helped either way.

