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Need diet help

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  • Need diet help

    I am 23 5'10" 225 lbs. and about 21% bf. I was thinking about doing a low carb diet, no as harsh as Atkins. I am not sure if I should because I don't know how it would effect my workout.

  • #2
    Why dont you start listing out what your eating now and list out the macros. I pers dont like a low carb unless you are talking about 100-200g and saving the lower end for later on into the diet.

    To give a rough idea I think starting about 2700 cals with around 250p 200c 90f would be a good start. If you like more pro take from fat a bit but leave carbs in as long as you can imho.

    If on cycle work on 300p and drop fats a bit more


    • #3
      I agree with Gambit. Slowly pull carbs or energy will vanish and workouts will suffer.
      Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


      • #4
        That is not entirely true. If he has the will power he can easily achieve it, and that with as little as 5g of carbs a day, not even. I did it, so why couldn't others do as well?

        As long as he gets his proteins and his calories he'll be fine. It'll be hard - but he can do some good work.

        Losing fat isn't about doing heavy weights. He can easily do as many hours as you or I at the gym. He only has to push himself, like you and I. And just lower the weights if it gets too difficult.
        Ain't no use in lookin' down
        Ain't no discharge on the ground
        Ain't no use in lookin' back
        'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
        Ain't no use in feelin' blue
        'Cause Jody's got your lady too


        • #5
          Im a carbohydrate whore Xamo!!!

          Today turned out to be a cheat day.... I just started PCT today.... I hate this part.... 8 weeks of this shizzle...
          Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


          • #6
            I'm going to post my idea, you have different ones on here so it's up to you at the end.

            First of all, supplements are a must. Why? Because your bank account won't be happy if you keep on buying meat every single day, that to meet your caloric and protein intake.

            Get your hands on some MusclePharm products: Their protein powder "Combat powder" is an awesome in between meals, even meal replacement. Get their vitamins, as well as pre work out.

            Get yourself OxyElite Pro by USPLabs - probably the most potent legal fat burner out there. It DOES work and is extremely powerful so don't play around with it.

            As far as diet is concerned - You are used to eating whatever you want, whenever you want. Thus, it's going to be extremely difficult for you, at first, to follow any type of diet. Personally I used to be heavier than you. And I can tell you that mentally speaking, it was hell. That for a while at least.

            People will tell you to have a minimum amount of carbs - I would usually agree but I definitely wouldn't agree when overweight people are considered. Truth is you won't be able to work out well enough to burn all the carbs unless you work out 2 to 3 times a day. Which I don't recommend right now as you're not even used to working out.

            To be entirely honest with you, I would even suggest you get bittorent, and download P90x. I don't care whoever else posts on here, that training regimen that you can do home does work and you'll get amazing results from it. Don't get the new one, get the P90x.

            As far as calories and everything else... I went from 352lbs to 176lbs in a year following that P90x program, and being on a 1800 calories diet - extremely low carbs (maybe not even 20) and being on a 460g protein+. So a 176lbs difference. That while using only supplements. Nothing illegal.

            That being said I didn't look like a bodybuilder, but I lost all the fat the right way. As the reps were a lot harder, and I had to push myself, I built a very strong core, which most people don't have as it simply isn't what they're looking to build. But truth is, that will help you.

            At the end of the program that's how I looked like (look at my avatar). That program made me extremely quick, and strong. Not strong as far as how much weight I could lift, but I could definitely last hours lifting lower weights while they couldn't even while at my weights. Your endurance will build up as well as your will power. As trust me it'll get challenging if you're going no carbs.

            Your choice, only my 2 cents.
            Ain't no use in lookin' down
            Ain't no discharge on the ground
            Ain't no use in lookin' back
            'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
            Ain't no use in feelin' blue
            'Cause Jody's got your lady too


            • #7
              that makes sense.

              i do feel it takes a bit for the body to get used to no/low carb so weights may suffer.

              with that being said i am kicking my diet into high gear and dropping the carbs to shed the fat!


              • #8
                Whatever works for you man... Xamo, that is an amazing weight loss and transformation. it demonstrates a lot of hard work and dedication!

                I did not have to lose near as much weight, but I have gone from 272 Lbs to 215 Lbs. Cardio 7 days per week for at least 30 mins per day... Lift 6 days per week.... Now, I do a lot of two a days...
                Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


                • #9
                  Now that I look back at it yeah lol but fuck I was constantly hungry. I think the most difficult part of it is looking at your friends eat whatever they want.
                  Ain't no use in lookin' down
                  Ain't no discharge on the ground
                  Ain't no use in lookin' back
                  'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                  Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                  'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                  • #10
                    You guys got some great advice! Chris88, hopefully you havn't started your cycle yet? If not, if you follow something like xamo is talking about you should see good results. I assume at this point you want to get your bf % to begin a cycle and you don't yet have the muscle mass that makes it necessary to devour a butt load of carbs. So, I would suggest getting all your carbs from fruits and veggies (emphasis on the veggies) and eating at least 175g's of protein per day. I do dissagree on one point though.... I believe that protein shakes should be a limited part of your diet. Used once and no more than twice per day. Try to get most of your protein from fish and poultry while trying to lose the LB's.
                    As far as your workouts something like the P90x is great for weight loss. You can do a similar routine in the gym on your own. And I would alternate that with cardio everyother day.
                    Xamo. Thats amazing brother! where'd all that skin go? Did you have to have surgery? Thats an amzing transformation!


                    • #11
                      Nah, no surgery, I just was wearing some pretty tight UA shorts and shirts so that the skin would stick to the muscles... for some reason it all went back to normal, just my lower belly i have some extra skin which annoys me but it's not excessive so i don't think i'll operate for this..the fact that I really worked on my core muscles helped as well, i think so at least
                      Ain't no use in lookin' down
                      Ain't no discharge on the ground
                      Ain't no use in lookin' back
                      'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                      Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                      'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                      • #12
                        You're wrong... some people like me are very carb sensitive... and that even while doing intensive cardio.
                        Ain't no use in lookin' down
                        Ain't no discharge on the ground
                        Ain't no use in lookin' back
                        'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                        Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                        'Cause Jody's got your lady too

