Hey everybody whats up? Im currently in the 5th week of my 2nd cycle. Im running 500mgs of test cyp/week and 300mgs deca/week. I ran 30mgs of dbol for the first 4 weeks. I am 6'2" and i started at 212lbs around 15-18% bf. I am fairly weak and started using gear probably way too soon. I bench 250, squat 385 and deadlift 405. Not very strong or developed but im not small either. When guys look at me they think that i bench over 300 so i guess im not as strong as i look. Besides the point...anyway, im 5 weeks into my cycle. Started at 212 and after 4 weeks of dbol o was at 222. Gained 10 lbs. No moon face, not puffiness. Still fairly vascular so i assume it was fairly lean. I had a powerful sex drive, it was unreal. Strength was great too. Ive been off the dbol for 8 days and...ive lost 5lbs in 8 days. Strength is gone, size is gone, and sex drive is fucking gone. So im tall as i mentioned and im thinking that maybe i should be eating more. I eat 430 grams of protein per day and a total of 4200-4500 calories per day. Lots of brown rice, beef, eggs, tuna, whey, chicken, oatmeal, the whole nine yards. Im in the gym 4-5 days per week for an hour at a time. Lift heavy and hard, 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets per exercise and usually 4-6 exercises per day. I am not near as educated as some of you guys on this stuff, i have done alot of research. And i was under the impression that i was doing everything right. Apparently i am wrong though. Could i get some opinions from you guys. I appreciate it.
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What should the numbers for me be?
Im 26 years old, 6'2" started cycle at 212, went up to 222 now after discontinuing dbol, down to 217. Yes im running .25mg of adex eod. And i added 25lbs to my bench and 40 to squats in 4 weeks, now im right back to where i started. I'm officially lost as to whats going on and what i should do.
As Girlyman stated,with dboil you do get a lot of water weight which can also increase your strength.You will lose some of that once you discontinue the dbol but not too dramatically.You should get this size and strength back with the test and deca though.Give it a little more time and see what happens.If you still get no results,try to try a different lifting routine to see if that does anything for you.Stick with mostly heavy basics,i.e. benches,deads,presses,squats,etc.
Keep us posted with how things go brother.
Originally posted by F.I.S.T. View PostAs Girlyman stated,with dboil you do get a lot of water weight which can also increase your strength.You will lose some of that once you discontinue the dbol but not too dramatically.You should get this size and strength back with the test and deca though.Give it a little more time and see what happens.If you still get no results,try to try a different lifting routine to see if that does anything for you.Stick with mostly heavy basics,i.e. benches,deads,presses,squats,etc.
Keep us posted with how things go brother.
Im now on my third week of my first cycle, Generic labs test e 500mgs and balkan dbol 40mgs, im up nearly 15 lbs. Strength is WAYY up. Im also 6'2 and I started at 220 lbs with 16-17% bf. Eat like a horse! Good luck brotha!