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My Cutter: Diet Thoughts

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  • My Cutter: Diet Thoughts

    I have been on a cut for 4 weeks now. I started at 5'7" 200lbs and about 14% bf. Probably the most fat I have had on me in 3 years. Now I am at 193 and have had trouble moving from there.

    My current sups are Test C 500mg/week and clen and adex

    I have some T3 I started taking today

    Attached is my typical days food intake. Any thoughts, tips , help would be appreciated. I feel like I'm running out of gas and not getting the results I was hoping for.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    from the looks of it , if you've been on this for 4 weeks the perfect thing would be a switchup of carbs and fats, basically eat less carbs and more fats.... this will really help you shed that fat.... for me I would eat only 3 direct pieces of carbs and they were a type of extremely healthy tortillas from costco only like 27g carb with 10g fiber or something , then I just ate 2 turkey burgers, 2 scoops whey ( usually after workout ), 3 whole eggs , salad with 6 pieces of deli turkey, and 3 pieces of cheese, and If I got hungry or anything id eat pickles, the kosher kind from costco also, they have hardly any calories and its a vegetable so even then the cals dont matter. Also are you doing at least 5 sessions of cardio ? I know my bad burns fat alot better when I do about 45 mins - 60 mins on a empty stomach at a very slow pace ( my heart rate is usually like 120-134 ) . And of course you should be weight training ^_^... other then that , I cant give ya to much more advice. By the way you gotta tell me how that clen with t3 cycle goes!!! Im gonna run a clen , t3 , winny cycle after this test E , dianabol cycle. ( yes I know I have no test with the t3 but im doing the cycle 3 weeks after this cycle so gotta let test cooldown, plus I dont have enough money to be spending on this stuff and wouldn't want anyone questioning where my money is :P, if I would I totally would do test p sounds delicious)


    • #3
      Oh and by the way if your going to lower your carbs prefferably about 100 , and you throw in bread to get to 100 please please please read the ingredients I went to the store the other day, went down the bread isle so many "100% whole wheat , 12 grain wheat , The Healthy bread, Wheat bread" so many of those but the thing is alot of them have bad stuff like theyre Enriched or Unbleached which is what will spike your insulin and you dont want to store fat :P , it needs to say whole wheat or wheat! and not be good at all for cutting. Also look for high fructose corn syrup , if thats anywhere on the ingredients dont get it. Im almost positive if your going for a bread theirs gonna be one not so healthy item in it, weather its sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, etc. But ill take a little bit of those especially since its natural compared to high fructose corn syrup. this is why I usually get the tortillas or flatbread because their isnt ONE bad thing on the ingredients that I can find that is not healthy , its amazing how good it taste and how theirs no sugar or any of that stuff !


      • #4
        Thanks for the tips.

        I am weight training. 6 days per week 1 to 2 muscle groups per workout. 3 exercises per muscle group. 4 sets of 10 reps per exercise.

        Before a month ago I hadn't done any cardio in 12 years. For the last month I have been running 1 to 1.5 miles per day. I have always controled body fat threw diet. I have been able to stay around 8-9% body fat in the past but I packed on 25+lbs on my fall bulker that was definitely not all muscle. Which os why im cutting now.

