Prasterone (DHEA)

the resurrection of a depreciated pro-hormone

When testosterone precursors were at the height of their popularity, several studies were published on the effect of DHEA supplementation and its relative androstenedione on body composition, but the results were inconclusive. Many supplement companies sold it as “the fountain of Youth” and as a miracle juice for bodybuilders, of course many users were disappointed. Nevertheless DHEA retains its popularity. Many users are convinced of DHEA's powers of rejuvenation.

Franco Columbu

Many people liked the way the bodybuilders from the seventies looked. Most of them where seen as hero’s. And after the movie “Pumping Iron” the bodybuilding virus spread like wildfire. Nowadays you see that part of the present bodybuilding community would like to see those days returning. The other part of the community, mostly very young, likes the modern version of freaky physiques.

On the forums you can read the pro and cons of the “Golden Era” of bodybuilding compared to modern bodybuilding. We all know that bodybuilding is an evolving sport. It didn’t start in the golden era, or the seventies, if you like. And in those years many people didn’t like what happened either. Fact is that many of the trainings protocols, the diets and yes the old drug protocols, originated from that era.

Tongkat Ali raises testosterone levels in men over-fifties, it has a muscle building effect and it is a respected aphrodisiac. Its logical that many men want to buy/try this herbal compound. In this blog post I will try to show you how difficult it is to buy a real effective Tongkat ali herbal supplement and why.

Metformin (Glucopage) is a wonderful drug that bodybuilders use for a very long time, nothing very spectacular just another drug in the bodybuilders toolbox. I wrote a few times before about this drug, in 2012 about its potential to burn fat and in general in 2014.

But this drug is studied intensively and in 2015 this article in The Telegraph increased the interest in Metformins ability to increase life-span and improve quality of life.

Yohimbe, found in the bark of the evergreen tree (pausinystalia johimbe) and is indigenous to central and western Africa. Its appearance is most prevalent in the Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Gabon. It has gained much popularity, not only as a treatment for impotence, but also as an effective tool for decreasing body fat. In 1938, the principal alkaloid yohimbine was discovered to be the active component responsible for most of the effects of the yohimbe bark. This compound has now been isolated and is sold as both an aphrodisiac and fat loss aid. Although yohimbine is the most important constituent in yohimbe, it is likely that it contains 31 other yohimbine alkaloids that can be present in herbal yohimbe preparations. Some of these have different and unknown selectivity’s and potencies and effects, at the adrenergic receptors, in addition, these preparations vary greatly from brand to brand and even from batch to batch, as no standardization for extraction exists. In fact, an investigation found that most over the counter preparations have little to no actual yohimbine.

A painkiller (also called pain killers, pain medications, pain relievers) and medically known as an analgesic is defined as a drug used to relieve pain, or achieve analgesia, by blocking pain signals going to the brain or by interfering with the brain's interpretation of the signals. There are basically two kinds painkillers or analgesics: non-narcotic and narcotic.

“Testosterone boosters” are very popular in the supplement industry, basically because people that work for this industry, start raving reviews on the discussion forums, mostly other so called reps reply and agree with the poster. And because most forums are receiving money from those supplement companies they don’t ban these scams. The same is true for all muscle magazines. Just think of them without all those ridiculous adds.

You should assume that science had already developed a sound believable theory about the causes of aging. Unfortunately, a comprehensive explanation is not -yet- available. So far, there are no fewer than 18 different theories that attempt to map the phenomenon of aging from various angles. Where the experts do agree on is the evolutionary usefulness of aging. To put it very crudely: nature is not interested in the individual, but in the species. The survival of the species is the primary, if not sole purpose of evolution, say of nature. In practice, this means that man (and this is actual true for all life forms) for nature is only really important in the period of maximum fertility, the timespan we can reproduce ourselves. In practice, this is the lifespan of optimal sexual maturity, so somewhere between thirteen and thirty years. Nowadays it is normal that women have children after their 45th and men can still father if they are eighty or older. But with the increasing age, the chance of conceiving healthy offspring gets smaller and increases the likelihood of the number of children with congenital derogation. It is primarily because of the improved hygiene the increased medical knowledge, that our life expectancy is longer than 30 to 40 years.

If want your oral steroids to work well, you should know which factors influence oral bioavailability or oral drug absorption.

There are many factors affecting drug absorption, physicochemical characteristics, physiological properties, formulation and food effects. Other factors, such as the user’s conditions, age, metabolism enzymes, administration time, drug interaction, and so on, are also affecting the pharmacokinetics in drug absorption. These factors will change the relationship between drug intake and clinical response.

There are always new compounds that are used as a PED (performance enhancing drug), because the financial interests in elite sports are huge. This is not true in the case of Meldonium. In fact Meldonium is used in elite sports by Russian and Eastern Bloc countries for many, many years to improve recovery. And that’s why it was banned, because mainly this select group of nations used it.