I am going to be starting a cycle of test c and eq in a few weeks. i have a little bit of experience with each of these compounds individually. I ran low dosed 8 week cycles of each only to introduce my body to the chemicals and have a better understanding of the effects both good and bad. These were each supervised by someone with much more experience than I. He has no experience with test e and eq together only as a cycle. I've been asking around and have heard many different combinations but i would like to hear more from this community so that i can try to find a healthy medium. my goal is simply increase strength and build muscle. i know these two compounds arent the best for that but i have selected them for their mild side affects compared to others, frankly i dont think i will even try anything else than these two. Im 5'11" 192lbs. I would just like to hear from people who have done this cycle before and what worked for them, (how many mgs of each compound a week, split into how many shots, how many weeks, starting the eq later or at the same time as the test, what to take to combat side affects during cycle, PCT, and any other suggestions. Please and thank you [/QUOTE]