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Law Question

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  • Law Question

    i have heard what rick collins has to say on the topic, but i'd like to ask our resident lawyer, sarah, what she thinks about planet fitness and the discrimination they have towards bodybuilders in their "judgement free zone". sarah? or anyone else who wants to chime in?

    for those of you who live under a rock, heres a pretty funny segment that john stewart did...
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  • #2
    That is freakin' hysterical! Except the end, when his lonely ass is flippin' a tire. I do that.....kinda sad
    Employ your time improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. -Socrates


    • #3
      Sam, this is an interesting topic that has impacted many of us personally. I left my previous gym - it was a commercial one- because I was confronted by a staff member during my DL workout. They asked me to put "pads" down or to cease DL. I told the manager that no where in the original contract was there mention of the DL policy, and had I known, I certainly would have opted for another gym. A contract is only enforceable if there is a "meeting of the minds," i.e, both parties understand the terms and conditions and agree accordingly. In the Planet Fitness scenario, I believe it, again, comes down to the terms of the contract - if the user is informed of the policies against DL'ing, and knowingly enters the agreement, then they are bound by it. As far as discrimination, well, as long as its not invidious - i.e, systemically targeting, with negative purpose, a particular group, then it's not an actionable lawsuit. And, when it all comes down to it - from what I could gather, it is a somewhat profitable gym. While I disagree with such policies, the free market is ultimately the best gauge of a company's success - and equally, offers other avenues for those that disagree with a certain company.

      Sorry, that font hard to read.


      • #4
        Ex p- fit member. The one I went to had a lunk alarm they'd sound off with flashing lights if you grunted or droped the weights to loud. They would come up at least once a work out to say be quieter. Pix posted on walls of buff dudes with a cross thru him. Like a no smoking sign. Lol no large water bottles. An I'd watch the people that worked out there an theyd do like 5 mins of walking then leave or one set then leave. An these are the people there trying to keep happy but picking one all the people who take a work out serious. That's for this page! I really needed to vent about that gym. Hate em!! Ten bucks a month ain't bad, but they don't even have heavy enuf weights. Lol.


        • #5
          Crap I needa spell check


          • #6
            that is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              Ya even the girls that were forced to tell us to be quite would say there manager is making them come up to us. Even the people who work there know its wrong.


              • #8
                wow....unbeleivable..what do people do there...??


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sarahdefense View Post
                  Sam, this is an interesting topic that has impacted many of us personally. I left my previous gym - it was a commercial one- because I was confronted by a staff member during my DL workout. They asked me to put "pads" down or to cease DL. I told the manager that no where in the original contract was there mention of the DL policy, and had I known, I certainly would have opted for another gym. A contract is only enforceable if there is a "meeting of the minds," i.e, both parties understand the terms and conditions and agree accordingly. In the Planet Fitness scenario, I believe it, again, comes down to the terms of the contract - if the user is informed of the policies against DL'ing, and knowingly enters the agreement, then they are bound by it. As far as discrimination, well, as long as its not invidious - i.e, systemically targeting, with negative purpose, a particular group, then it's not an actionable lawsuit. And, when it all comes down to it - from what I could gather, it is a somewhat profitable gym. While I disagree with such policies, the free market is ultimately the best gauge of a company's success - and equally, offers other avenues for those that disagree with a certain company.

                  Sorry, that font hard to read.
                  Couldn't have said it better
                  Ain't no use in lookin' down
                  Ain't no discharge on the ground
                  Ain't no use in lookin' back
                  'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                  Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                  'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                  • #10
                    Its a business, their r more posers out there than true Lunkheads - .
                    so if u have a gym + can get more posers to pay u every month and barely use the gym that's great for business. It also helps to carve out a niche in a tough business.

                    the Law states that discrimination is sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality and sometimes religion and political views.

                    thankfully they r not to popular where I am.
                    "GYM + JUICE"


                    • #11
                      True, biz is biz. It's just bull how they say ur in a judgment free zone an in the same breath say no lunks allowed.


                      • #12
                        thats why you get a trial membership and see what you are getting into....i used to manage a small gym, the best month was January cuz all the ppl would come in, buy a year, then workout 2-3 weeks then you'd never see them again.
                        Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


                        • #13
                          I was there a few years an tryed to follow there concentration camp rules, the some old lady plowed her car throu the front door. Hitting the front desk and a few people. I took that as a sign to find a new gym.


                          • #14
                            Price is good but the equipment is horrible. I haven't seen one where the dumb bells go over 70lb. I did deadlifts one time in one and they acted like they never seen it before. Handing out free pizza on the first Monday of the month. Last Tuesday is Bagels and all the tootsie rolls you want up front. WTF!!! Trying get in shape her. Still like to go there for a stroll on the tread though LOL,


                            • #15
                              It's the "Anti-Alpha" of guys working out in scrubs with a pager on...lmao, you know the one's.....I think ODB nailed it best...all comes down to money..!! also nice to know the wana-be's have a place they are accepted....

