Yes, ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 is a legitimate phone number associated with Facebook (now Meta). It's one of the main contact numbers for ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 their headquarters.
The number ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 is associated with Facebook, Inc., the social media giant now known as Meta Platforms, Inc. This phone number ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 has historically been one of the main contact numbers for the company's headquarters located in Menlo Park, California. ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 is the official number for Facebook Customer Service support or you can contact ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 for instant help.
The number ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 is associated with Facebook, Inc., the social media giant now known as Meta Platforms, Inc. This phone number ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 has historically been one of the main contact numbers for the company's headquarters located in Menlo Park, California. ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 is the official number for Facebook Customer Service support or you can contact ₆₅₀-₅₄₃-₄₈₀₀ or +1-828-270-5565 for instant help.